272.Lilan Took The Initiative To Conduct A DNA Test

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“I’ve already eaten. You go ahead.”

“You child. Don’t you know that your mom is restricted to only ten different types of deep fried food for the next few months? I can’t eat this.” Lilan picked up a pancake with her chopsticks and lifted it to her lips. “Here. Don’t waste my good intentions.”

Lisa smiled sweetly. Her tone was both playful and seemingly serious., “I’m afraid that you’ve poisoned the food.”

Lilan’s heavily powdered face changed slightly. She sighed and returned the pancake to the box. “It seems like there are too many misunderstandings in our relationship. Forget it!”

She then waved her hand towards the helper, Auntie Qiu. “You can go ahead and have this.”

Auntie Qiu was frightened by this generous offering. “Madam, I shouldn’t…”

“There’s nothing wrong about it. In any case, aside from Lisa, none of us can eat this.”

“Thank you, Madam.” Auntie Qiu held the takeaway box and retreated.

Lilan tugged Lisa’s hand and brought her to her car. “Come with me.”

Lisa was not fearful of the schemes that she could come up with. She followed her instructions and sat in the car.

Lilan drove the car through the crowded city area and arrived at a fork in the road in a residential area. “Accompany mom for a ride. Where should we go?”

“Whatever will do.”

“Suggest a direction.” Lilan was insistent.

“Turn left.”

Lilan followed her suggestion and drove for around a hundred kilometres before parking the car at the entrance of a small-scale, government operated DNA analysis centre.

“Lisa ah, I understand that due to my mistakes over the past few years, you’ve…” A hint of bitterness appeared on Lilan’s face. “You’ve come to suspect if I am truly your mother. When it comes to some matters, no amount of argument will be more effective than straight action. Let’s do a DNA test. When the results are out, everything will be clarified.”

Lisa took in the sight of the DNA analysis centre and understood Lilan’s intentions.

But she had never expected that Lilan would take the initiative to suggest a DNA test!

Could it be that she was truly her mother?

Lilan saw that she was silent and decided to continue. “This DNA analysis centre is operated by the government. Moreover, you were the one who chose the direction in which we should travel. I followed the GPS to lead us to the nearest DNA analysis centre. I don’t have much money now. I can’t possibly have so many connections that I can buy over any small DNA analysis centre that we come to. In other words, if we go in for an analysis, the results will definitely be genuine and accurate.”

Lisa was silent. She found this whole matter to be extremely strange.

Lilan parked the car and alighted first. “Since we’re already here, there’s no harm in doing an analysis.”

The two of them then entered the small-scale DNA analysis centre. After registering and paying the necessary fees, they had their blood drawn for the test.

An employee informed them that the results would be available in seven days.

After leaving the DNA analysis centre, Lilan drove Lisa to school.

By then, it was already afternoon.

Lilan personally sent Lisa back to her dorm room.

Her roommate, Shuhua, praised Lilan. “Lalisa, is this your mother? She looks so young and graceful!”

Her other roommate, Tzuyu, however, shot Lilan, a mocking look. “Lisa is already a year 2 student. Director Fang, in the past, whenever you showed up, you would only visit Lee Eunha. What’s the rare occasion? To think that I would get to see you in Lisa’s dormitory? Has the sun risen from the west today?”

For the sake of building her relationship with Eunha, Shuhua immediately raised her voice. “Tzuyu, how could you speak that way? This is CEO Jeon, Jeon Jungkook’s future mother-in-law!”

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