396.Someone Will Be Unlucky

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“Hmph.” Qian Xiaoke harrumphed coldly. “Of course!”

Eunha then turned to look at the other girls. “I was in the wrong previously. Because of me, you guys… flattered the wrong person. I also wish to be Jeon Jungkook’s fiancée. Unfortunately, I couldn’t. If you guys don’t mind, we can continue being friends.”

These girls had come intending to pick a fight with Eunha and vent their anger by beating her up.

But they saw the way she held her crutches and apologised.

As the wise man says, you should never hurt someone who has admitted to their mistakes. Furthermore, this person was still injured.

Qian Xiaohe and the others reached into their pockets and brought a few pieces of paper out. They crushed them into paper balls and tossed them at Eunha’s face. “Who would want to be friends with a whore like you? Here’s your rotten signature, you can have it back!”

“That’s right, you hypocritical whore! If it wasn’t because we thought you were the future Madam Jeon, who would want your signature. Rubbish!”

The other girls also tossed the signature that Eunha had previously given them. Then, they turned to leave.

Eunha endured the humiliation and nearly gritted her teeth into smithereens.

She glared angrily at Lisa, who did not look in her direction even once.

This was all her fault! One day, she would ruin her!

Yerin came from the other dormitory room as though she was late intentionally. “Yo, Eunha. Not bad, you actually didn’t get hit.”

Eunha glanced at her. “Yerin, you’re my good friend, yet you came here to poke fun at me?”

“Good friend?” Back then, if it wasn’t because she was Jungkook’s future fiancée, Yerin would never have gotten close to her. “If you treated me like a good friend, why didn’t you tell me that you were pretending to be Jeon Jungkook’s fiancée?”

“I…” Eunha glared viciously at Lisa.

Back then, this fat and stupid trash clearly loved Mingyu deeply.

She had been on the path of gradually becoming Commander Jeon’s actual fiancée.

[*Sigh* You weren't even able to become Jungkook's wife back then and there's no chance in hell it'll happen now]

She didn’t know how things went so wrong. Why wouldn’t Lisa admit to loving Mingyu? She even changed her attitude towards Jungkook drastically.

Yerin approached Lisa apologetically. “Lisa, considering that we’re schoolmates and neighbours, please don’t take my previous wrongdoings to heart.”

Eunha was not a generous person. Since Yerin and her were no longer friends, she would not let things go her way. “Yerin, do you think I don’t understand your thoughts? The only reason you approached me in the past was to obtain benefits from the Bai family.”

Yerin’s appetite wasn’t that small. She continued speaking to Lisa. “Don’t listen to your second sister. I don’t have so many schemes.”

She needed to build a good relationship with Lisa.

Her father’s company, the Jung Corporation, had been doing well but recently met with a financial crisis. They had countless debtors pursuing them. This was because her mother, Kong Meixian, had spoken poorly about Lisa and offended Jungkook.

This was a punishment from the Jeon family.

These past few days, her father often vented his anger by hitting her mother. He said that he had married a brainless failure who ruined their family. He kept saying that her mother was blind and had offended the wrong person, causing him to be tricked into a mountain of debts.

As long as her relationship with Lisa improved, with a wave of Jungkook’s hand, the Jung family’s financial crisis would be resolved.

Of course, she would never let the other students know of this. Otherwise, they would definitely treat her like a joke.

“You’re all so noisy! I can’t even take an afternoon nap in peace.” Lisa could not be bothered to deal with these white lotuses.

She saw that there was still thirty minutes till her next class. She stood up to leave the dormitory room.

But Yerin and Eunha refused to give up and chased after her.

Lisa strolled along the pathway in school and turned to glare at them angrily. “Stop following me!”

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