211.Sehun Misses Lisa

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There was a simple, single bed inside the infirmary. Pan Dalong cried in pain as he laid on it. In between his cries, he kept shouting. “Sehun, that bastard! I’m going to settle this debt with him! I’m going to kill him!”

Ever since Sehun punched his teeth out, his pronunciation had become unclear and his words were incoherent.

“Please stop shouting,” Doctor Huang, who was stationed in the infirmary, raised his voice firmly. “Otherwise, I will send you out immediately.”

“All right, all right. I’ll shut up. I’ll shut up.” Pan Dalong used to rely on his ruthless attitude to hold himself as the king among the criminals. However, ever since he was beaten up by Sehun, his face was completely lost.

The moment he returned to his cell, he turned into a laughing stock in front of his cellmates. He even had to do chores in his injured state. Hence, he decided to stay in the infirmary, refusing to leave.

“Who are you going to kill?” Sehun’s complexion was extremely pale. He kept coughing, but his gaze was scary.

The moment Pan Dalong saw him, he was frightened and did not dare to mention killing him. “Who said I’m killing anyone? I’m just moving my lips for fun.”

The little brat normally appeared to be easy to bully. Pan Dalong could have never imagined that when he became ruthless, he would take away half his life. He did not dare to provoke him again.

Pan Dalong thought of something. “Lee Sehun, that woman came to visit you again. I thought she was some great beauty so I secretly peeked at her from afar. That woman is both fat and ugly! You actually consider her as your precious girl? Aren’t you afraid of being laughed at? Hahaha!”

While laughing, he accidentally pulled the wounds that Sehun had left on him. He immediately hissed in pain.

“It seems like you don’t want the rest of your teeth!” Sehun lifted his fist and cracked his knuckles loudly.

Pan Dalong shrunk his neck back in fear. He immediately waved his hands. “Brother, brother, don’t do it…” He could not overwhelm him with strength or money. He was helpless. “I was just joking. I heard that that woman is named Lalisa. She is your little sister. Since you think that your little sister is an angel, an angel she is.”

“Hmph!” Sehun harrumphed coldly but could not help emit a loud cough.

“You lose it everytime I say something bad about your sister…” Pan Dalong was frightened. “I heard that she isn’t your blood-related sister. Do you have a crush on her?”

Sehun’s body stiffened. His expression was dark but he did not respond.

Pan Dalong continued prodding him. “I bet you do, don’t you?”

This Sehun hid everything too well. He was too difficult to read.

“Shut up!” Sehun had grown impatient.

Pan Dalong did not dare to continue speaking.

Doctor Huang gave Sehun a check-up and suddenly said seriously, “1529, you’ve contracted a serious case of pneumonia. It’s contagious. You need to be isolated immediately.”

Doctor Huang immediately put on a mask on his face.

“What!” Pan Dalong, who was lazing around, immediately fled when he heard these words. It was too dangerous to hang around someone who had pneumonia. He would rather return to his cell.

In the next ten days, Sehun’s condition continued deteriorating. He began coughing out blood and the treatment was ineffective. He then successfully applied to be temporarily released for medical treatment.

Lisa arranged for him to be admitted into the Jia Ya hospital under the Sheng Shi Group. His hospital room was arranged right next to Marco’s. This way, her elder brother could easily visit their father.

Jia Ya hospital was a high-class hospital. The thirty-eight floor was
reserved for the especially wealthy.

When Lisa arrived, Sehun was not in his room. She went next door and as expected, her brother was sitting by Marco’s bedside.

“Brother!” She cried out.

Sehun turned around. His originally gloomy aura immediately dissipated. “Lisa!”

He took a step forward and could not control himself. He held her in his arms tightly and his throat choked. “Third sister, I missed you so much!”

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