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She actually climbed into the front seat!

Jungkook sat in the backseat and frowned unhappily. His sharp gaze instantly turned chilly.

Did she hate him to the point where she had to sit so far away from him?

The car slowly drove towards Jing Hua University, which was located in the outskirts of the city centre.

It wasn’t clear if it was because the air-conditioner was set to too low a temperature, or because Jungkook’s aura was far too chilly, but it was frighteningly cold inside the car.

The driver, Suho, and Lisa were both clearly cold to the point where they were nearly trembling.

Furthermore, there was also a suffocating, heavy air surrounding them.

Lisa adjusted her breathing and turned to look at Suho.

Previously, after her second sister, Eunha climbed into his bed, he did not honestly report his actions to Jungkook.

She wondered if her second sister had bribed him further?

Jungkook’s sharp eyes tracked Lisa’s gaze.

This damn woman. She would rather look at a chauffeur than look at him?

Earlier in the morning, hadn’t she been watching him with a sparkling gaze?

Suho sensed his boss’s unhappy gaze. He was frightened to the point where his teeth were almost chattering. “Miss Lee, please don’t look at this subordinate.”

Can’t you tell that Boss’s eyes are nearly shooting ice out of them?

“Who is looking at you?” Lisa responded coldly. “I’m looking at the scenery outside. It’s coincidental that you’re on that side.”

Although Suho did not believe her words, he did not refute it.

A hint of confusion appeared in Jungkook’s eyes. He watched as she turned away before the anger in his eyes finally dissipated a little.

He had originally hoped to use this opportunity to properly hold her.

Her great-aunt was here and he could not share a room with her. Taking this opportunity to embrace her would have been a good way to relieve his thirst.

But since she was intentionally putting distance between them, he could only suppress his anger and put on an act to appear as though he was unmoved.

The car was installed with an ‘all-natural’ air-conditioner. Lisa felt that she was not seated in a car but in an ice cave. Even worse, this car was moving at an extremely slow speed. She peered at the speedometer and saw that the current speed was 30km/hr!

It was moving slower than even a bicycle.

She said unhappily, “Chauffeur Suho, could I trouble you to drive faster? With the speed you’re moving, exactly when will I arrive at school?”

“My apologies, Miss Lee. The car is broken. We can only move at this speed.”

Lisa wanted to ask him if the car was broken, how was it still moving?

Fuck, he sure could lie without faltering.

She took in Suho’s flustered expression and guessed that he wanted the car to move faster even more than she did.

She suddenly understood that this was on Jungkook’s orders. He was only allowed to drive at this speed.

It was a silent torture.

Thankfully, the school was not too far away. Although they were moving five times slower than normal, they arrived at Jing Hua University’s entrance at 9:00a.m..

Lisa turned back and shot Jungkook a sweet smile. “Jungkook, thank you for sending me to school!”

Her smile caused Jungkook’s frozen heart to shake slightly.

Still, he faintly felt that something was amiss.

She tugged on the door handle but discovered that it was locked. She couldn’t open the car door. “Um, I’m going to school now.”

Jungkook leaned back lazily against his seat. His expression was frigid cold and his aura made it difficult for one to approach him.

“Could you ask the chauffeur to unlock the door?” She asked politely.

This was his car. She would not carelessly touch it.

“Payment, ” he coldly responded with one word.

Lisa was dazed for a moment. Even a small act like unlocking the car door needed payment. “Can I give you five dollars?”

Jungkook’s expression instantly darkened. His gaze also turned cold. “What do you think?”

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