399.Kook Is Here To Receive Her

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“The mistake has already been made.” Eunha said sadly, “Will you only forgive me when I die?”

“Yes.” Lisa nodded. “If you die, I’ll forgive you immediately.”

“You…” Eunha’s complexion became pale.

She deeply wished that she could eat Lisa’s flesh and drain her blood!

However, her smelly reputation had now spread throughout the entire country. The only way of turning things around was by marrying Jungkook and becoming the actual main character.

However, she could only approach Jungkook through Lisa.

Jungkook’s tall, broad-shouldered figure appeared in the front yard at this moment. He was dressed in a suit and his imposing aura could not be overlooked. Eunha’s heart immediately began pounding loudly.

She could not conceal the love and admiration in her gaze. “CEO Jeon…”

Jungkook’s sharp gaze did not turn to look in her direction. Instead, he was focused on Lisa. “Why aren’t you coming in?”

Lisa mm smiled at him. “Did you come out to receive me?”

“En.” He nodded. The bodyguards guarding the door had informed him of her arrival.

That’s why he came out.

When Eunha heard this, her eyes reddened with jealousy.

In the past, she used to have the right to enter the Yu Ting Villa freely. It had been a matter of glory.

But now, each time she visited, the bodyguards would stop her from entering.

An hour ago, she had seen Jungkook’s SUV driving through the Yu Ting Villa’s gates. She had waved both her hands trying to get him to stop the car.

However, it drove right past her without even a pause.

She had thought that Jungkook did not see her and requested for the bodyguards to inform him that she was requesting a meeting.

However, Jungkook actually instructed the bodyguards to reward her with one word – “No”.

In the past, whenever she visited Jungkook to speak about Lisa’s matters, he was always willing to see her.

However, her attempt failed this time.

Eunha was extremely angry on the inside.

Jungkook did not bother to give her a single look, yet he personally came out of the villa to receive Lisa. What rights did Lisa, the ugly woman, have!

[The ones which you can never have!]

Shuhai put on the attitude of an elder and began lecturing Lisa. “Lisa, how can you be this immature? Have you considered CEO Jeon’s status? How can you make him come out all the way to receive you? Quickly apologise to him.”

“Who are you?” The person who responded was Jungkook.

His gaze was as sharp as an arrow. “Is my fiancée someone you can lecture?”

Shuhai immediately began trembling. He was covered in cold sweat. “Your status is extremely important. I simply didn’t wish for Lisa to cross the line.”

The truth was that he did not wish to see Jungkook's treating Lisa so well. His doting ought to only belong to Eunha!

[Delusional pair of......niece and uncle]

Eunha saw that her uncle was struggling and immediately smiled. “CEO Jeon, I am still Lisa’s Second Sister. It’s already 7:00 in the evening and I’ve spent four hours waiting for her. Do you mind if I step in for a cup of tea?”

As long as she entered the Yu Ting Villa’s entrance and took a video inside to share with the public, everyone would know that Eunha, was still related to royalty regardless of her mistakes!

Outsiders would not be able to treat her as a joke!

When Lisa heard this, she did not express her opinion.

The Yu Ting Villa was Jungkook’s. He was free to decide who he would allow in.

If he wanted to let Eunha in, it wasn’t appropriate for her to say anything.

“That’s right.” Shuhai shot a look of heartache towards Eunha. “CEO Jeon, Eunha has been waiting for four hours. It’s really been tough on her. Her legs are still injured and she has to rely on crutches. She also hasn’t had any dinner.”

Jungkook suddenly realised that considering the time of Lisa’s return, she also wouldn’t have had dinner yet. A hint of heartache instantly appeared on his cold, handsome features.

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