266.Quickly Beg Eunha For Forgiveness

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“Oh.” Zhu Xi began to gossip on the other end. “By the way, Lisa, your fiancé sure is secretive. I received his money but only got to meet his subordinate. It turns out that he is Ke Tianbao, the playboy of the city. Although Kim Hanbin is extremely wealthy, he is a big womanizer. You have to be careful…”

Tzuyu took the phone back from Lisa. “Zhu Xi, we are quite busy over here. Let’s talk another time.”

She then ended the call.

Zhu Xi’s earlier words had been heard loud and clear by everyone present.

Shuhua shot Eunha a look of disdain. “Eunha, aren’t you the goddess? Don’t you feel any shame in lying to us so brazenly?”

“Who knows if Zhu Xi was bribed over by Lisa…” Eunha continued to struggle against her defeat.

Tzuyu responded crisply. “Very good. Lee Eunha, please don’t insult Zhu Xi’s character. She is Class One’s leader. She never ever lies. Furthermore, back when Lisa’s fiancé arranged for a man named Bambam to pass the money to Zhu Xi and requested for her to give up her space, I was also present there. I’m not close to Lisa and had no intentions of interfering with your matters. But I’ve never seen someone lie so comfortably and shamelessly the way you did.”

She paused for a moment and shook her head. “To think that you are Lisa’s blood related sister. She is truly unlucky to have a sister like you!”

Eunha knew that no one would believe her no matter how she tried to argue her way out of this. Her expression turned awkward and poor.

Yerin exclaimed in disbelief. “Eunha… I didn’t expect you to lie!”

Eunha could only minimize the issue. “I was just making a joke. I didn’t expect all of you to take it so seriously!”

Suddenly, Lisa spoke up for her. “Everyone, my sister particularly enjoys playing the good person card after behaving like a prostitute. I seek your understanding on this.”

Eunha’s eyes were blazing with rage. Her eyes nearly fell out of their sockets. “Who did you just call a prostitute?”

“Of course it’s you, my dear second sister.”

Eunha was angered to the point of wanting to slap Lisa. However, Lisa was extremely fat. The other girls were also unwilling to help her. She would likely lose if she attempted to hit her. She could only grit her teeth in frustration. “Lalisa, you will regret insulting me like this!”

After leaving those words behind, she walked around Tzuyu, who was blocking the dorm room entrance, and charged away angrily.

Yerin was Eunha’s good friend. Even if Eunha was in the wrong, she still hoped to borrow their friendship to gain some benefits from Jungkook.

[Such a good friend....]

She warned her in a low voice. “Eunha is Jeon Jungkook’s fiancée. Now that you’ve offended her, the three of you will surely have to face the consequences! Just think about Sana’s state right now!”

She then pretended to charge away in anger, similarly.

Upon hearing this, Tzuyu and Shuhua instantly turned pale.

Shuhua glared at Lisa in frustration. She was filled with resentment. “Sana has dropped out of school. Her family owns a mid-range corporation, but that has also collapsed. If I had known, I wouldn’t have interfered in your business. So what if your second sister is a prostitute pretending to be a goddess? Who asked her to be Jeon Jungkook’s fiancée? She has the ability to do as she likes. You’ve really set me up for trouble!”

She then turned to Tzuyu with a flustered expression. “I’m still alright. After all, I didn’t speak up for Lisa earlier. But you… you directly tore her stage apart. If the Jeon family comes to tear down your family…”

Tzuyu responded softly. “Don’t talk about this anymore. It may not end up that way.”

“How could it be?” Shuhua was extremely worried. “I have hidden sources. The Minatozaki family did not dare to offend the Jeon family at all. The only reason they collapsed is because Sana offended Jeon Jungkook’s fiancée and implicated her entire family. Think about it. If Jeon Jungkook loves his fiancée so much, how could your Chou family possibly stay alive? Quickly go beg Eunha for forgiveness. Perhaps, there is still an opportunity for you to turn this around.”

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