334.Shoot To Death

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“Our amazing Boss has finally thought things through! With your… horrific appearance, it’s only normal that he struggled to eat you.”

Bambam’s chatter went on and on and on.

Lisa held onto her fake smile. “In that case, it seems like you don’t think I’m fit to be with your boss?”


She then sighed in the video.”Your boss treats me really well. I was deeply moved by his actions and had planned to spend the next few days properly ‘compensating’ him…”

The summary of the matter was that the ‘compensation’ she had planned to give was swatted away by Bambam’s comments about her being ugly and being a poor match for his boss. Due to his actions, even his employer was implicated.

Bambam saw that his boss’s expression was growing darker. Jungkook’s entire body seemed to be enveloped in a vicious, frigid aura. The sight of him was even more frightening than that of the King of Hell. His legs immediately began trembling in fright.

Jungkook finally finished watching the video. He narrowed his eyes at Bambam and his powerful aura nearly froze the entire place. “Bambam, It seems like you have a lot of opinions about my private life. Have you been too free recently?”

Although it sounded like a casual question, Bambam’s teeth immediately began chattering. “No… no. I… I…”

He was frightened to the point where he could not even speak coherently.

Uu, if he had known this would happen, he wouldn’t have run his mouth off like that.

“Since you’re free to the point where you have the time to worry about my private matters…” Jungkook reached for the box of cigars on the coffee table and lit one of them. He then took a draw from it in a graceful movement. The smoke that escaped his lips formed a wispy cloud in front of him. “… I will personally come up with a plan for you. You will attend three days of special training.”

Bambam instantly turned pale and cried in fright. “No!”

Lisa, however, was not satisfied. “Bambam’s mouth is so cheap. He criticised me as though there isn’t anything good about me. You’re only punishing him with three days of special training? Hmph, you’re so biased towards this rotten bodyguard. I don’t want to talk to you for the rest of my life!”

She stood up from the couch and was about to leave in anger.

Jungkook easily hauled her back. He replied unhappily in a heavy voice. “This is all it takes to make you angry? How could he possibly compete with you? If you’re unhappy, I’ll shoot him to death right now!”

“No way, Boss…” Bambam never knew that his Boss would do this to him for Lisa.

He wanted to cry. “We’ve been through life and death together. As they say, women are replaceable like clothes, but brothers are irreplaceable like limbs. She’s just a woman…”

Lisa casually responded. “Jungkook, don’t listen to him. If you lose an arm or a leg, you can still be considered presentable. But if you lose your clothes, with your status, are you supposed to walk around naked? That’s worse than dying.”

Bambam truly felt like crying. Why did this ugly woman’s words… seem to make sense?

Upon hearing this, Jungkook nodded coldly. “You are right!”

He waved his hand. “Drag him out to be shot to death!”

“Yes, sir!” Two bodyguards stepped in from outside to carry out his orders.

Bambam shot Jungkook a look of utter despair and misery. “If my boss wishes for my death, I have no choice but to obey.”

Butler Zhao Cheng stepped forward to beg for mercy. “Young Master, Bodyguard Bambam has always been loyal to you. I’m sure that today’s mistake doesn’t warrant his death. Please spare his life.”

Bambam immediately shot him a look of gratitude. My good brother!

Jungkook’s voice was cold and ruthless. He left no space to negotiate. “If you offend Lisa, the punishment is death.”

Lisa was extremely moved.

She never expected for Jungkook, the ruler of an empire, to be willing to kill his most loyal bodyguard for her.

In her previous life, she had learned that his closest bodyguards signed a secret agreement to give their lives up for him. If instead, they died by Jungkook’s hands over a small mistake, it would truly be a waste of their lives.

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