259.Eunha Helped Lisa Obtain Her Current Dorm

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What she intended to inform everyone was that she was indeed responsible for helping Kim Hanbin become Lisa’s fiancé.

“Qian Xiaohe, will you save yourself some face?” Yerin mocked. “You’ve only just gotten to know her, yet you want our Eunha to introduce a rich man to you? Who do you think you are?”

“Who doesn’t know that you spend each and every day flattering Manxue. Do you mean to say you’ve never hoped for her to find someone for you?” Qian Xiaohe shot back.

“I…” Yerin wanted to refute her claim.

However, Eunha laughed and said, “The people by Jungkook’s side are all wealthy young masters and important figures. It’s impossible to find a poor person in that crowd. If there are future opportunities, I can introduce them to you.”

“Wah, Goddess Eunha, you’re too kind. Could I add you on WeChat…”

“Goddess, please let me add you as well…”

A group of students rushed to flatter her.

All of a sudden, Eunha was being looked upon by a large crowd.

This was how she had grown to become so well-connected.

In truth however, she only painted lies and empty promises for these people.

It was their fault for falling for it.

Lisa watched them indifferently, standing on the side.

She brought out a small tissue from her bag and wiped her lips lightly.

Eunha maintained her smile and she entertained group after group of admirers. She even began giving out her autographs.

None of these people actually wanted her autograph.

What they truly wanted was the Commander’s future fiancée’s autograph.

Lisa sat before the dining table and looked at her. “Second sister, don’t you think you’re too shameless?”

“Lalisa, are you even human!” Qian Xiaohe was enraged. “No matter what, you can’t speak to your second sister that way. Think about it yourself. With your horrible appearance, if it hadn’t been your second sister, even a beggar on the streets wouldn’t have wanted you!”

“That’s right. Lalisa, Young Master Kim is willing to marry you and even paid over a hundred million dollars for you. You should learn to be content…” More and more ‘admirers’ began speaking up for Eunha.

This group of people raged at Lisa and wished they could skin her alive.

“It seems like there’s no point in my explanation.” Lisa spoke up. “My fiancé is not Kim Hanbin. He was not introduced to me by Lee Eunha.”

“What nonsense are you talking about?” Qian Xiaohe had just obtained Eunha’s promise and was not convinced. This was because she believed only her goddess was speaking the truth.

Lisa took in the crowd of blind admirers around Eunha. There was an even larger crowd of people watching the amusing performance around them.

It seemed like only a minority of people were shameless, others were simply bystanders.

Lisa decided not to say anything further. She stood up and left the cafeteria.

Eunha stood in the middle of the crowd’s admiring gaze. However, internally, she was anxious.

She enjoyed the privilege of being the Commander’s fiancée too much.

Thus, she absolutely could not allow this lie to be exposed.

Her only choice was to make it a reality.

She had to become Jungkook’s woman to make this work.

Lisa finished her afternoon classes by 2 in the afternoon. She then visited the gym to work out for three hours. She was covered in sweat by the time she was done.

That evening, she did not return to the Fang family home. Instead, she returned to the school’s dormitory.

Some of the school’s dormitories were located in old buildings. A single room was shared by six students, and the students had to use public toilets and bathrooms.

Only two buildings were newly built. They were D1 and D2. The rooms in here were shared by four students. Every room came with it’s own private balcony, toilet, bathroom and many other facilities.

These two buildings had a good environment and were very desirable. As everyone wanted to be placed here dearly, the school relied on drawing lots to assign the rooms in these two units.

Lisa stayed in room 201 in D1, while Fang Manxue stayed next door in room 202.

However, the two of them rarely lived in the school dormitory.

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