295.Rushing Towards The Assembly Point

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Of course, the taller Eunha stood, the greater her fall would be.

Lisa had been mocked for being a third party for too long now. If she did not blow things out of proportion and conduct this live-broadcast, even if Jungkook revealed that she was his fiancée in front of her classmates, they would respond lightly with an ‘oh’ and move on.

If the scope of impact was too small, some might not even realise the truth.

But now… soon, there would be no one left in the dark.

Lisa stood up and patted off the non-existent dust on her clothes. She began running towards the field but she shouted internally. “Jungkook, wait for me! Earlier, the words I had left unfinished in the dorm room, this queen has found the right timing to say it!”

Yerin said to Eunha, “Eunha, the drone outside sure is good. The entire school now knows about Lisa’s shameless third party act.”

Eunha also felt especially great. She was currently being praised to the heavens in the school forum. “That’s right. I wonder which kind of senior is doing this. They’re helping Jungkook’s actual fiancée too much. I truly feel very grateful!”

“Brother Jae hates Lisa so much. It must have been him…” Yerin guessed.

“Perhaps.” Eunha watched as Lisa suddenly ran out of the dormitory. She was worried that Lisa would cause further trouble. Her expression changed and she rushed to run after her.

At this moment, the head of teaching, Ma Yongting’s voice could be heard through the school’s announcement system.

“Our school is deeply honoured to welcome a visit from a great leader. All teachers and students are to gather at the assembly point immediately!”

The announcement replayed over and over again. Teachers and students rushed toward the field when they heard the broadcast.

This was because everyone knew that the ‘great leader’ was their country’s idol, Jeon Jungkook.

Everyone had been deeply upset about their failure to catch a glance of him. Finally, they had been given the opportunity!

The students were never this enthusiastic when it came to assemblies. Right now, they went running from every direction towards the assembly point.

When Lisa ran downstairs, she saw that Jungkook did not head in the direction of the helicopter and immediately understood that he was the important ‘leader’ Head Ma had mentioned.

She suspected that no one was watching the live-broadcast any longer.

Since Jungkook had yet to leave, she would wait till the assembly ended to broadcast the performance of her begging him to clarify their relationship.

Or perhaps…

She began to contemplate a possibility. Suddenly, her lips curved up subconsciously.

When Eunha heard the broadcast, she furrowed her well-groomed brows. She could not help but feel wary.

Gathering the entire school of teachers and students…

A sense of foreboding filled her. She immediately thought of escaping.

She had only taken a step when a bodyguard stood in her way. He said expressionlessly, “Miss Lee Eunha, please head towards the assembly point!”

Eunha gathered her courage to refuse. “I’m busy and won’t be able to make it.”

She turned around to run in another direction only to be stopped by a different bodyguard. “Will you walk on your own, or will you prefer us dragging you there?”

If she were dragged away, wouldn’t she appear like a criminal? She could not afford to lose her face.

“I’ll walk on my own!” Eunha was left with no choice and could only head towards the assembly point under the bodyguards’ attentive gaze.

The closer she approached, the more she became worried.

She brought her phone out and quickly sent Lilan a message. “Mom, quickly give Lisa a call. Tell her you met with an accident and ask her to bring Jungkook to the hospital to visit you.”

The only way to prevent things from taking a turn for the worse was to remove these two people from the situation.

Within fifteen minutes, the assembly ground was crowded with students. Everyone stood at attention, organised based on their year and class.

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