355.Destroying His Good Looks

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Originally, Jungkook could not be bothered to respond to a passer-by. However, a large group of Jing Hua University’s students had gathered around. He did not wish for Lisa to face future difficulties in school.

Thus, he began speaking in a low, heavy tone. “My fiancée naturally has her own reasons for not visiting Lee Lilan in the hospital. No matter where or when, I’ll always believe in her.”

His heavy, cold voice conveyed his promise and sincerity.

It was impossible to doubt his words.

He reached out and dominatingly held Lisa’s thin shoulders. He then firmly brought her into his arms. “As for whether or not she is good enough for me, right from the beginning, the two of us have been each other’s. It was that way when we were young and it remains so now. It will be this way even in the future.”

“Wah, God Jeon Jungkook is so cool!” One of the female students exclaimed.

Another female student appeared deeply moved. “This is so touching. Although he wasn’t talking to me…”

“Lisa, you’re so lucky.” Several female students chimed in. “With such an amazing fiancé, it’s akin to obtaining the world.”

Lisa received a wave of admiring looks and responded with a smile.

She similarly felt that she had exchanged eight lives worth of luck in order to obtain Jungkook’s love.

Tzuyu watched by the side silently. She felt happy for Lisa.

The crowd watching them was starting to grow. Lisa followed Jungkook into the SUV parked downstairs.

The chauffeur sat in the driver’s seat, while a bodyguard sat by his side.

In the backseat, Lisa shifted her body to lean into Jungkook’s arms. Unlike the previous time she sat in this car, currently, she was basically plastered on his body. She pressed her little face into his firm chest.

He watched as she kept rubbing her little face against him. Although his heart was melting in joy, his expression remained unfazed. “What are you doing?”

“I don’t have the face to meet anyone,” she responded gloomily.

He frowned. “Did the nurse’s post cause you trouble? I’ll settle it immediately. I won’t allow it to affect you.”

He had already obtained evidence that Lilan was not actually involved in a car accident.

There was no need to find an excuse for Lisa. He could easily force Lilan to make a public apology and cease the dispute.

“I’m not talking about that.” She furrowed her brows. “You’re too handsome. I’m too ugly. We’re not compatible.”

“That can be easily settled.” Jungkook brought a collapsible knife out of his pocket and lifted it to his face. Lisa’s eyes were sharp. She grabbed the blade before it could touch his skin. “Have you gone crazy!”

The chauffeur, Suho and the bodyguard accompanying them in the car were similarly frightened by Jungkook’s insane actions.

Their boss was destroying his own good looks… he was really crazy!

Due to Lisa’s earlier actions, there was now a long cut on her palm. Jungkook immediately felt his heart throbbing painfully. “You’re the crazy one!”

“How can you even think of ruining your good looks!” She reprimanded him unhappily.

Thankfully, she had stopped him in time and prevented his face from suffering any injuries.

“Didn’t you say that you’re too ugly, and that we’re not compatible?” He frowned sternly. “If my looks are ruined, won’t we be a perfect match?”

“…” Lisa was speechless.

When Suho and the bodyguard heard this, their jaws nearly fell off.

Powerful figures like him relied on their good image for many circumstances. If Boss’s good looks were ruined, with his position, a lot of rivals would definitely come targeting his ruined image…

Could it be that for a woman, their boss would not even pause to consider the repercussions?

Lisa naturally knew this as well. She asked him with some anger in her voice. “Jungkook, if you ruin your looks, what about your future!”

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