327.Rewarding With A Kiss

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Lisa was helpless and did not resist his kiss.

Jungkook’s aura was filled with dissatisfaction, but as she complied with his kiss, all of it dissipated. His ice-cold, frozen heart also melted into honeyed sweet warmth.

Although he usually disdained romantic relationships, he finally understood what others meant when they said that even the toughest men had their soft sides!

At this moment, Bambam felt some admiration for Lisa.

Boss hated pretentious women. Yet, this woman did not die from the act she put on. Instead, Boss even rewarded her with… a very long kiss.

Bambam had a headache. He was facing a powerful enemy!

The more Boss valued Lisa, this fattie, the worse the consequences for his earlier mistake would be…

As he stared ahead at the traffic light, his gloomy mood almost turned his heart grey.

When they arrived at the Yu Ting Villa’s front yard, Jungkook carried Lisa out of the car.

She was busy catching her breath.

Jungkook, this crazy pervert, actually forcefully kissed her the entire trip here. Her lips were swollen from being sucked!

Butler Zhao led more than twenty helpers with him. Although it was late in the evening, they still bowed to greet her. “Welcome home, Miss Lee!”

Lisa was stifled with anger from the aching pain in her lips. She glanced at the neat row of helpers. “Instead of sleeping like normal people, what the heck are all of you doing in the middle of the night?”

Zhao Cheng responded quietly in his heart. “We don’t wish to do this either, but these are Young Master’s orders. We can only comply.”

“Miss Lee, you left without telling us anything. Our Young Master was really worried…” Zhao Cheng was not trying to flatter her. He was simply speaking the truth.

Jungkook’s gaze landed on him like a pair of sharp knives. It frightened his heart into trembling. His forehead was covered in sweat and he decided that it was best to speak less and focus more on his work.

“Aiyo, Jungkook, it turns out that you care about me so much.” Lisa, on the other hand, smiled.

“Shut up!” Jungkook’s complexion was frigid. Her words left him frustrated, yet her smile eased the irritation in his heart.

She laughed without concealing anything. “I refuse to. This sure is interesting. CEO Jeon, you actually were impatient to the point where you couldn’t stay at home and had to go out to search for me.”

Jungkook narrowed his eyes. His sharp gaze landed on her and he spoke in a warning tone. “Lisa, are you very pleased with yourself?”

“I am… very much pleased with myself.” She was extremely honest.

“No one has ever dared to be pleased with themselves in front of me.” Jungkook commanded coldly. “Bambam, tell her. What happened to the last person who dared to do so?”

“His lips were torn off, his limbs were severed and he was tossed into the ocean to feed the sharks. Two days later, someone managed to fish out pieces of his corpse.”

That man had been a spy from their enemy’s side. Boss did not do anything personally. He simply released the news that this man had betrayed the country. After that, he was naturally dealt with by the country.

Lisa did not suspect if this was the truth. She believed that Jungkook was capable of doing anything when provoked.

Jungkook watched her ambiguous smile with a searching gaze. “Do you want to be the next one?”

“How do you plan on dealing with me? I have to remind you. I’m your woman.”

Her last few words left his heart pleased. He lifted her up into a horizontal carry and headed into the villa.

A crowd of helpers stretched their necks and heard their young master declare that he would only give her one percent of the punishment which the earlier person received.

One percent of having one’s corpse severed? Would that indicate losing only one hand? Or losing a foot?

“Will I lose my fingernails then?” By the time they heard Lisa’s confused response, she was already being taken upstairs.

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