278.Trapped By A Snake

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Jaehyun’s face immediately turned as white as a sheet of paper. “Ah, snake, snake! Help! This young master is most afraid of this!”

However, aside from Lisa, the remainder of the students were frightened to death. How could they come to help him?

Jaehyun grabbed the snake from around his neck and tried to tug it off. However, it only coiled tighter and even bit down on the back of his hand. “Save me! Quickly… get it off…”

His follower, Yu Liang, was helpless. “Brother… Brother Jae, I’m also really afraid of snakes.”

Several of the students were in tears due to panic. “Somebody, someone save Brother Jae! He is suffocating!”

“He asked for it.” Lisa crossed her arms and responded comfortably. “I recognise this snake. It has featured twice in front of me already. The last time it fell from a tree, it didn’t hit me. But I never expected Jaehyun to be so stubborn. He actually gifted it to me twice. It’s a pity though, this young lady does not enjoy accepting his good intentions. It’s best to return Young Master Jung’s things to him.”

“Ah… ah… save…” Jaehyun’s face turned red and then purple. It was clear that he was suffocating to death.

Tzuyu also panicked. “Lisa, what do we do? At this rate, he will die!”

Lisa sighed. “It would be fine if this had happened behind the scenes. But he had to do it in front of the entire class. Although I returned Brother Jae’s gift, I didn’t expect him to be this useless. He doesn’t even have the ability to handle his own gift. I’ll say this first. I’m not afraid that Jaehyun will die. I simply can’t be bothered to be implicated over this matter for a bastard’s life.”

She then reached into her bag for the giant pair of scissors she had prepared. She aimed it at the snake’s neck and precisely cut it’s head off. Its head tumbled onto the ground with a plop.

Although the headless snake did not immediately die, it slowly lost its strength. Jaehyun grabbed it and tossed it away. It finally fell limply on the ground.

“Brother… Brother Jae, are you all right?” Yu Liang rushed forward to ask him.

Jaehyun collapsed back onto his seat with a pale expression. His legs were weak and his breath was hurried.

“Is there the need to ask this?” Lisa harrumphed. “Your Brother Jae nearly became retarded.”

After saying this, she returned to her own seat.

Eunha was genuinely dumbstruck. She did not expect Lisa to be fearless of snakes. She had nearly caused Brother Jae’s death!

She gritted her teeth in anger but was helpless.

They were meant to have French class right now. Dong Yuzhu, who had taken a leave for the past few days, entered the class. Her stern voice could be suddenly heard. “What is everyone gathered around for?”

All the students rushed back to their respective seats.

She noticed Jaehyun’s pale, sweat-covered appearance and approached him in concern. “Jaehyun, ah. Your complexion seems poor. Are you ill?”

If he wasn’t the principal’s son, she would not be so ‘thoughtful’ towards him.

She stepped on a strange, long creature on the ground. It was still moving slightly. Dong Yuzhu lowered her head to look and immediately shrieked in fear. “Snake!”

The headless snake was still struggling to remain alive. It weakly coiled around her feet.

Dong Yuzhu jumped away by several feet. Her expression changed significantly. “How could there be a snake in class? Who brought this here?”

Eunha said apologetically, “It’s my third sister, Lisa’s.”

Her words drew many looks of disdain from her classmate. This was because it was not the actual truth.

Dong Yuzhu shouted at Lisa. “Lalisa, you sure have guts. You actually brought a snake into the classroom! If the snake had harmed anybody, the school would have sufficient reason to kick you out!”

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