336.Bambam's punishment.

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Lisa’s sparkly eyes appeared to contain many emotions. She shot Jungkook an electrifying look and tugged intimately on his arm. “Honey!”

If her soft, sweet voice had come from a beautiful woman, it would have been a lovely sight. It was unfortunate that her face was covered in scabs and they couldn’t even see her features clearly.

Butler Zhao Cheng and the three bodyguards present, including Bambam, all felt their goosebumps rising.

Jungkook alone appeared to be enjoying this. His sharp, cold gaze turned slightly gentle. He understood that she intended on asking for mercy on Bambam’s behalf. “I only accept exchanges of equal value.”

“What would be of equal value?” She blinked her sparkling eyes.

Jungkook whispered into her ears softly so that she was the only one who could hear him.

Lisa shouted in disbelief. “What? You want me to compensate you with my body!”

She had raised her voice intentionally. It was Jungkook’s fault for always appearing icy-cold and unmoved. There were barely any emotions on his face.

She would add some flavours to her cool and handsome idol. What a wonderful situation this was!

The butler and the three bodyguards were all dumbstruck. Black lines seemed to appear on their heads.

They all felt that there was no way their boss could have made such a request, right?

After all, most normal men would find Lisa extremely ugly.


Jungkook did not expect her to expose him. His face instantly turned cold and was stony to the point of being frightening.

Lisa took in his reddened ears and guessed that he was secretly embarrassed.

Even when the great God became embarrassed, he was still charming to the point of leaving one excited.

She shot Bambam a look of dissatisfaction. “Did you see that? In order to save your little life, this young lady has to sleep with your boss. How do you plan on repaying me?”

“This…” Bambam felt that she had actually struck a lottery to get the opportunity to sleep with his boss.

His boss was likely the only one who had the capability to swallow her down.

Butler Zhao and the two bodyguards similarly felt that Lisa was acting aggrieved when she had instead received a great benefit.

Bambam could only respond ingratiatingly for the sake of preserving his little life. “How would Madam like for this one to repay her?”

He dearly hoped that it wasn’t with his body.

Of course, she was Boss’s woman. Even if he had a thousand guts, he would never dare to do so.

But if Boss abandoned her one day and she insisted on having him repay the debt… he wouldn’t be able to endure it.

What did she mean by saying that she was only sleeping with him for Bambam’s life? Jungkook’s brows furrowed. Right as his anger was provoked, her response eased all his unhappiness.

“You don’t have to repay me. In the future, all you have to do is to protect Jungkook with your life.” She waved her hand. Look at the way Bambam was frightened.

He made it seem as though she planned on doing something to him.

Bambam heaved a sigh of relief imperceptibly. As long as she wasn’t asking for his body, he was willing to agree to anything. “Please be rest assured, Madam. It is part of this subordinate’s duty to sacrifice his life for Boss’s safety.”

“That’s good.” Lisa’s abdomen was hurting slightly. Her body did not have many issues, but whenever her great-aunt visited, she would be extremely uncomfortable. Thus, she headed upstairs to rest.

Jungkook’s cold gaze landed on Bambam. He instructed Bambam sternly. “Go and receive your punishment. In future, you better watch your mouth.”


Bambam felt as though he had just woken up from a bad dream. He had thought that he was doomed to die and did not expect to keep his little life.

But the moment he remembered the special training his boss had arranged for him, he heard the grim reaper’s footsteps echoing…

Lisa laid down in the main bedroom to rest. Around ten minutes later, the door opened.

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