383.Jungkook's Worry

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“It is this subordinate who is ugly.” Bambam immediately straightened his body respectfully.

Even if he was beaten to death, he would never dare say that Lisa was ugly in front of his boss.

Jungkook’s cold gaze landed on Bambam’s swollen figure. “This appearance of yours is rather ugly.”

“Yes, sir!” Everything his boss said was correct.

Baekhyun appeared to have seen a miracle. He rushed forward and stared at Bambam. “Fuck! Where did such a big, fat pig come from? His face and body are covered in bites!”

“Doctor Shi…” Bambam smiled bitterly. “We’re old friends. Do you have to poke fun at me like that?”

“Who are you?” Baekhyun pushed his glasses up. He struggled to recognise the person in front of him.

“It’s me, Bambam.”

Baekhyun patted him on the shoulder. “Brother, it’s you. Forgive me for not recognising you. You changed far too drastically. Congratulations, Miss Lee!”

Lisa pointed at herself and found his words to be strange. “How is Bambam’s change related to me?”

“Someone is finally uglier than you. Shouldn’t you be happy?” Baekhyun asked her seriously.

It seemed that it was true? Lisa’s cheeks puffed up with anger.

Before she could respond, Jungkook’s sharp gaze landed on Baekhyun n. “You think that Lisa is ugly?”

A powerful, dangerous aura left Baekhyun’s back cold.

She was uglier than everyone in this world, alright?

Baekhyun’s heart was trembling. He did not dare be honest. “This subordinate spoke wrongly. She is not ugly.”

Her face was covered in dry and hard scabs. He truly could not go against his conscience to say that she was beautiful.

Jungkook commanded him coldly. “Praise her.”

“CEO…” You’re asking your subordinate to lie with his eyes wide open. Doesn’t your conscience ache?

He was extremely frightened and could only thicken his skin and said, “Lisa is especially ‘beautiful’.” The type of beauty that only someone like his CEO, whose eyes had problems, could admire.

As someone with integrity, Baekhyun felt that he needed to maintain a just standard of beauty.

He glanced at Bambam’s pitiful appearance and sighed internally. This guy had very little control over his mouth. That was why he was bitten by bees and reduced to this state.

Baekhyun was someone who cherished himself. He would never allow his handsome exterior to be harmed.

Jungkook appeared satisfied with his words. He shifted his gaze onto Baekhyun. “What are you waiting for?”

Baekhyun immediately approached Lisa’s side. This time, he did not wait for the CEO’s order. He put on a pair of medical gloves and prepared to examine Lisa’s injured right hand. “Miss Lee, you sure have a good life. Your wound is so light yet the CEO kept worrying about it. He instructed this subordinate to examine your wound.”

“I’ve troubled you.” She held her palm out with a smile.

Baekhyun re-applied a fresh layer of medication and casually asked her. “Your wound reopened again?”

Jungkook watched Lisa’s wound and asked her in a stern voice. “How did it open again?”

She did not dare admit it was caused by her older brother, Sehun. “I was a little careless.”

Jungkook frowned. His cold voice could not conceal his heartache. “Be more careful.”

Bambam turned away to wipe his tears. “Boss, Lisa suffered such a small wound and you’re worried about it to the point of heartache. This subordinate was almost killed by your training.”

“You are still alive and resemble a human. Not bad.” Jungkook rewarded him with a few words.

“Thank you for your praise,” he responded pitifully.

Lisa took in Bambam’s aggrieved appearance and comforted him. “Comrade Bambam, don’t be jealous. After all, I can sleep with your family’s boss. You can’t.”

She really wasn’t afraid of running her mouth in front of others! Jungkook’s ears felt a little hot. He shot a warning look towards Lisa.

It was a pity though that she was not the slightest bit afraid!

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