390.I Was Wrong, Forgive Me

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Mingyu did not recognise her and hence, did not call out to her.

Instead, Shuhua stepped forward to ask him. “Handsome, are you looking for someone?”

Mingyu smiled and asked her politely. “May I know if Lisa from your class is around?”

“She just left. Weren’t you looking?” Shuhua pointed at Lisa’s figure more than ten metres away.

Mingyu ran over and stopped Lisa near the staircase. “Lisa…”

Lisa ignored him and walked around him to leave.

Mingyu immediately blocked her path once more. He sized her up with a seemingly graceful glance and exclaimed in surprise. “Your skin has become so fair. And you’ve lost so much weight. I couldn’t even recognise you earlier!”

He had seen her, of course, since she was in the news recently but… there was still some difference when he saw her in real life.

After all, she used to be as fat as a pig, but now her figure was better than that of a model. He struggled to adjust to the drastic changes.

“Have you said everything?” Lisa’s expression was heavy. “If you’re done speaking, scram!”

“I have something that I wish to discuss with you.” A hint of hurt appeared in his elegant features.

In the previous life, Lisa had been thoroughly fooled by his refined appearance.

In truth, this man was a polite degenerate. He was worse than a beast!

“We don’t have anything to discuss.” Her expression was cold. She found it bothersome to offer him even a single glance.

Mingyu’s expression was stiff for a second.

In the past, whenever he appeared troubled, she would give in to him without any hesitation. To think she would be completely unmoved right now.

Could it be that Jungkook had won her over with his money?

A few students who were about to leave noticed a handsome man standing in Lisa’s way. They all paused to watch the scene curiously.

After all, it was rare for other men to be looking for God Jungkook’s fiancée.

If there were any ambiguous occurrences, it would be the news of the century.

Tzuyu shoved Mingyu aside. “Don’t fucking block your mothers’ way. Scram!”

“Who are you?” Mingyu was forced to take a step back. He was slightly angered and frowned in displeasure.

“None of your business!” Tzuyu had heard Lisa mention this bastard in the past.

He was a little gigolo who was delusional. He spent most of his time fantasizing that Lisa had feelings for him.

Mingyu watched as Lisa walked away. He urgently tried to push Tzuyu aside.

To his surprise, Jaehyun caught his wrist right after. “Who are you? Didn’t you see that she isn’t paying you any attention!”

Lisa turned back to see that Jaehyun was standing up for Tzuyu once more. A hint of satisfaction appeared on her face.

Jaehyun, this young master, was quite bad-tempered but his heart was not completely bad.

If he really became a couple with Tzuyu, she would be happy to congratulate them.

“Who are you?” Mingyu became a little frustrated as he was stopped once more.

“I have nothing to hide. My name is Jung Jaehyun.” Young Master Jung very generously reported his background.

“It turns out you’re Principal Jung’s son.” Mingyu did not wish to offend him.

This was not just because he was Jing Hua University’s principal’s son…

Wu Jiatong approached them in anger and interrogated him. “Jaehyun, you’re standing up for Tzuyu again. Do you like her or not?”

“Are you loose down there?” Jaehyun shot her a look of disdain.

Shuhua’s cheeks flushed red. “You’ve never tried it before, how would you know…”

“Stop.” Jaehyun shouted. “This old man has absolutely no interest in you. I’m saying that you’re too free. Do you have that much space to be a busybody?”

“You…” Shuhua turned pale from humiliation. “What’s so good about Chou Tzuyu? Why do you like her so much? Why don’t you like me?”

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