243.There Is An Old Demon In Class Three

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Jaehyun’s frustrated gaze shifted on to her. “Don’t think that I will let this go just because you are Lisa’s second sister!”

Eunha sighed with a helpless expression. “Young Master Jung, you’re the head of the entire school. I’ve always respected you, but you don’t have to do anything on my account. You might not know this, but I’ve told my third sister countless times not to provoke you and to stay away from your sight. But she refuses to listen to me. She even told me that you’re just a small hooligan. Even though your grades are in the top three of the entire school, she insists that you didn’t achieve them with your own ability. As per her, the teachers are intentionally giving you a free pass because your father is the principal. She even said that your heart is evil and that your mouth stinks…”

“Fuck, she dared to say such things about me!” Jaehyun’s rage was ignited. “My grades are good because I was born talented. A free pass my ass! Lalisa, that ugly, fat bitch! I’m going to let her know what it’s like to die!”

He stormed off in a fit of anger.

Yu Liang rushed to follow her. “Brother Jae, I’ll help you!”

Eunha took in their angered backviews and her lips curved into a vicious smile.

After tossing aside Sana, that small knife, she had found a larger one to use.

Yerin took in her strange smile and asked her in confusion. “Eunha, did your third sister really say all this?”

“Of course.” Eunha replied firmly. “She didn’t just say it once but many times. I’m sure she hates Jaehyun for always looking down on her. That’s why she often speaks poorly about him behind his back.”

She then frowned unhappily. “What is it? Yerin, you don’t believe in me? You should know me well. Ever since I was young, I’ve never been someone who lies.”

“I believe you, I believe you.”

Yerin held her elbow sweetly. “I was wrong. I shouldn’t have asked you this.”

“All right. It’s almost time for class. Let’s head to the classroom.”

Several minutes ago, Lisa stepped into the classroom. There were a few empty seats. Those belonged to the students who were either skipping class or were late. The rest of the seats were mostly filled.

The moment she entered the classroom, almost all the students turned to look at her.

“Wow… why is Lalisa here? Hasn’t she been absent for the entire semester?”

“She’s still so ugly. The sight of those bumps on her face are sufficient to make me vomit out my dinner from last night…”

“Aiyo, look at her figure… Fuck, she’s really throwing away our Class Three’s face!”

The students whispered rampantly amongst themselves. Their gazes were filled with disdain as they stared at Lisa.

In the past, Lisa could never understand their behavior. She was only a little fat and not great to look at. She had kept a low profile, yet her entire class seemed to hate her. In fact, the entire school seemed to take pleasure in making fun of her.

In her previous life, back when she had still been attending school, she witnessed her second sister talking poorly about her behind her back.

At the time, she had been deeply hurt and had asked Eunha for the reason.

But Eunha had claimed that someone else had sowed discord between them.

What discord could there be? It was most likely that her second sister was causing trouble for her behind her back.

As for the strange looks and whispers among her classmates, Lisa was too lazy to waste her time on them. She ignored their chattering and headed for her seat. However, she had only taken a few steps when one of her classmates, Liu Dan, stood up and began to sing loudly in her direction. “Class One is good, Class Two is bad, Class Three has an old demon!”

He pointed at Lisa as he sang. Even idiots would realise he was addressing Lisa as the ‘old demon’.

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