385.Intimate Posture {2}

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“Yes, Sir.” Baekhyun left from there helplessly.

“Go and receive treatment for your wounds. Apply for reimbursement for the medical fees. You don’t have to report for duty until your wounds have recovered.” Jungkook commanded Bambam.

“Thank you, Boss!”

Jungkook shot them a look. Butler Zhao and the maids immediately retreated.

Jungkook was finally left alone with Lisa in the backyard.

He sat down on the chair which Lisa had laid on earlier and tugged on her waist. He adjusted his position for her to sit on his lap.

The intimate posture left Lisa feeling a little awkward.

He reached out to massage her shoulders and casually began. “I heard from the butler that when you visited your father at the Jia Ya Hospital today, you didn’t let the chauffeur drive you there?”

“Yes.” She enjoyed his service and her stiff body slowly relaxed. “Walking will help me lose weight.”

He furrowed his dark, black brows. His heavy, cold voice conveyed his heartache. “You’re thin enough now. You really don’t need to lose any more weight.”

Look at her thin arms and legs. He was worried he would hurt her if he applied too much strength.

“I’ll lose a little more.” She responded coaxingly. “Just a little more and it’ll be perfect.”

Earlier, she had weighed herself. She had lost more and was now at 50 kilograms.

Her height was 1.78 metres. If she maintained a 50 kilograms weight, her figure would be perfect. She would definitely be able to compete with any model.

“Why do you need to be perfect?” He frowned unhappily.

For you. Her gaze was fixated on him.

He was too perfect and she wanted to present her best side to him. “Because all girls naturally love to be beautiful.”

She did not wish for him to feel burdened. Moreover, this response was also somewhat truthful.

Jungkook was helpless. He coldly instructed her. “You’re not allowed to lose any more weight!”

She refused to listen and did not respond.

The two of them laid back on the chair. He opened his firm arms to hold her and they quietly watched the beautiful sunset.

He lowered his head to watch her docile, obedient figure.

Whenever he recalled the way she used to avoid him, he felt a wave of discomforting emotions.

He hoped things would never return to the way they had been. He hoped that she would always stay this obedient.

Behind the Yu Ting Villa’s main building, there were several two-storeyed modern buildings. These were arranged for the Yu Ting Villa’s maids and bodyguards.

The two areas were separated.

Bambam entered one of the dormitories meant for the bodyguards. He lived in a single en-suite room and had his own washroom and balcony.

Although it was a dormitory, the renovation was even more luxurious than that of a hotel.

Bambam stepped in to see that Baekhyun was sitting on the couch. “Doctor Byun, why are you here?”

Baekhyun gestured towards the other seat. “Sit down. Take off your clothes.”

Bambam immediately understood that he planned to treat his wounds. He took off his clothes. “Your mouth is stubborn but your heart is soft. You came personally to examine my wounds yet you told me to go and line up at the hospital tomorrow…”

“Enough with the nonsense.” Baekhyun placed his medicine box on the coffee table and brought out his stethoscope to press it against his chest. “Your heart is beating powerfully. Your vitals are also stronger than that of a normal person.”

“You don’t know how terrible my special training has been for the past three days.” Bambam began complaining. “If it wasn’t because my body is strong, I definitely wouldn’t have made it back. This was all caused by Lisa.”

“You should learn to be controlled. Who asked you to run your mouth off like that?” Baekhyun asked him. “Oh, did you know that Lisa won the lottery’s grand prize.”

“I was the first one to know!” Bambam was extremely agitated when he heard this. “Did you know that on the day the results were to be released, Lisa had a stack of lottery tickets worth two dollars each. She said that she would sell one to me for two dollars.”

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