398.Flourishing Business

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“You are lying through your teeth. Are there any men who don’t value appearances? It’s the plain truth that Lisa is ugly!” Liu Dan suddenly looked curious. “Doesn’t Jaehyun hate Lisa the most? You’ve always been Brother Nan’s follower, yet you’re actually speaking up for someone he hates. Yu Liang, did you take the wrong medicine today?”

“W-who took the wrong medicine?” Yu Liang snuck a glance at Lisa.

Ever since the last time she used the cotton bud to remove the glue from his nose, he… could not help but like her a lot.

He had been paying close attention to Fang Xinxin’s changes. “Pay attention, guys. Lisa’s figure is much better than Eunha’s right now. Her skin is also much fairer.”

“That’s true.” All the classmates appeared to have discovered something new as they commented. “It’s a pity that Lisa’s face is covered in scabs. Those are really ugly. It’s a waste of her good figure and fair skin.”

However, Eunha knew that Lisa’s scabs had been there for quite some time and were about to begin falling off.

When that happened…

Lisa’s face was not ugly. In fact, she was extremely beautiful!

If that had not been the case, Eunha wouldn’t have tampered with her skincare products.

Eunha was used to suppressing Lisa with her beautiful appearance and figure.

Lisa had managed to slim down by luck, but she absolutely would not allow her skin to regain it’s normal appearance!

Lisa smirked indifferently.

She would let these people speak as they please. When she finally became beautiful, she would blind them people and their superficial eyes!

At 3:00p.m. in the afternoon, Lisa’s classes had ended. She called for a car and visited Qiao Yang Limited Company.

This was a gaming company which she had previously registered. It focused on researching and developing new games.

Ever since she purchased the distribution rights for the game, Fantasy of War, from Mr. Abott, she had transferred the rights over to this company and launched the game locally.

On the first day the game was uploaded, there were already more than a million registered players. Now, a billion registered players were playing the game.

As expected, things turned out as she had predicted. This game was extremely popular locally.

Mr. Abott regretted selling the distribution rights for five million dollars after learning this.

Lisa felt that relying on distribution rights to earn a large sum of money was alright, but it would never compare to running a company that could develop games and create profits in the long-term.

She had already begun advertising for new hires and inviting capable experts to independently develop their ideas.

The company was normally handled by the manager whom she had employed. Today, she spent three hours in the afternoon to personally interview the talents that had come to apply for a job.

By the time she took a taxi to return to the Yu Ting Villa, it was already 7:00 in the evening.

Jungkook had sent her a message to say that he was already back at the Yu Ting Villa.

Lisa alighted from the taxi and immediately noticed Eunha and Shuhai loitering near the Yu Ting Villa’s front yard.

Eunha’s Ferrari was also parked by the side.

Eunha immediately greeted her with her crutches. “Third Sister, I’ve been waiting for you for four hours! My legs are injured and they’ve already gone numb.”

“Lisa, you’re finally back!” Shuhai said, “Your second sister and I have been waiting for you.”

Lisa frowned. “Why are you waiting for me?”

Eunha revealed a miserable expression. “Third Sister, won’t you please forgive me for my past mistakes? I was foolish momentarily. I shouldn’t have pretended to be Jeon Jungkook’s fiancée.”

“How long did you play the act for?” Lisa smiled coldly. “Your actions can only be classified as a premeditated scheme and not a moment of foolishness.”

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