220.Little Stocks God

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At this point, this amount of money was nothing more than peanuts to her.

She had won thirteen million dollars in the lottery, and secured four hundred and fifty thousand dollars from the chairman of the Kwon Group. She had invested those funds into the stock market. By using the memories from her past life, she had already made a ton of profit. All the stocks she had bought ended up skyrocketing before she sold them.

Her money increased by approximately ten percent a day. Even on bad days, she was earning around three to five percent of gains.

Her money has been increasing with each passing day. As of now, frequent investors were calling her, ‘Little Stocks God’. However, none of them knew of her true identity.

She had spent some money trying to overturn her brother’s case. She had also given him some amount to spend.

However, she still had a large sum with her.

There was nothing wrong with rewarding herself a little.

“The transaction has gone through!” the female receptionist exclaimed loudly.

All the staff in the gym, including the coaches and salesperson, bowed to her and said, “We welcome Miss Lee Lalisa to our gym!”

Those with money were always the King. None of the other guests would receive such honorable treatment.

The crowd looked at her with envy in their eyes.

Yerin and Sana stared in shock as Lisa signed the invoice. Their jaws were in the danger of nearly dislocating from how wide their mouths were open.

“How is this possible?” Sana lost her bearings and shouted. “Where did you get so much money from?”

“Lalisa, weren’t you penniless?” Yerin was doubting her eyes, but it was a fact that she had bought the most expensive membership.

Only Eunha knew the true source of Lisa’s money.

This fat trash. God only knew why she was so lucky. She had managed to snag a rich idiot despite her ugly face. More than ten days ago, the man had bought her an apartment and paid for it in a lump sum. Now, he actually gave her the money to become a privileged member!!

Thinking of the appearance of the middle-aged idiot, she could not help but curl her lips in disdain.

She did not envy her for having a sugar daddy. Only Jungkook could ensure that she would be permanently wealthy!

Her foolish actions would likely cause her to lose Jungkook, who was worth more than every diamond in the world!

Eunha deliberately asked her. “Third sister, you’re spending so lavishly. Did you sell off the clothes Jungkook bought for you?”

If that was the case, she could add another charge to her in front of the man.

“What do you think?” Lisa answered with a hint of ambiguity.

“I’m asking you because I don’t know.”

“I don’t have to answer everything you ask.”

Sana couldn’t care less about the source of her money. She tried to sneak away quietly while their attention was occupied.

But Lisa quickly stepped in front of her. “Where do you think you’re going?”

Sana anxiously replied. “Oh, I just remembered that I have somewhere to be…”

As she spoke, she walked around Lisa and tried to run away. Lisa grabbed her by the collar and said, “Broadcast yourself eating shit before you go.”

Sana’s face turned as purple as a pig’s liver. With her friends, Yerin and Eunha by her side, she gave up on escaping.

She confronted Lisa in an aggressive manner. “What broadcast? The Lee family doesn’t give you any money. How did you get so much money as a student?”

“Don’t worry, the source of my money is cleaner than your face.” Lisa sneered. “You are not qualified to know the details though!”

“You…” Sana scoffed. “Anyways, I refuse to broadcast! What can you do to me?”

“An untrustworthy person should watch out in case heaven decides to punish them.” Lisa glanced at the cleaner mopping in the lobby. Next to her was a bucket full of muddy water.

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