266.Tzuyu's Life Trajectory

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“I’m not going.” Tzuyu refused.

“If you won’t go, I’ll go.” Shuhua ran out of the dormitory calling after Eunha to apologise to her.

Lisa’s gaze shifted onto Tzuyu’s apprehensive expression. She asked her in a careful tone. “Aren’t you afraid that Jungkook will target your family over the earlier matter?”

“Of course I am.” Tzuyu appeared slightly helpless. “Jeon Jungkook’s power and influence is stronger than anyone else’s. Who doesn’t respect and fear him? There is no way of escaping the consequences of offending him.”

“Do you regret helping me?”

“No.” Tzuyu shook her head. “Eunha was clearly in the wrong here. I believe that Jeon Jungkook is not an unreasonable person.”

“But I heard that Jungkook dotes on his fiancée dearly. If he decides to be unreasonable…”

Tzuyu patted her on the shoulder and comforted her. “Lisa, I didn’t do anything wrong. If the Chou family really collapses because of this, I can only blame myself for not being strong enough. I won’t blame you, nor will I regret helping you.”

Upon hearing this, Lisa was deeply moved.

She rarely visited school. Although Jungkook had prepared this dorm room for her, it was only so that she would be able to rest comfortably in the afternoon.

She had rarely interacted with her roommate, Tzuyu, before.

From what she recalled, Tzuyu would soon meet a man named Yook Sungjae.

[No hate! I just can't find anyone else 🥲]

He had pursued her fervently and she agreed to be his girlfriend during her previous lifetime.

However, in the midst of her schooling, she became pregnant and for the sake of continuing her studies, she had decided to abort the child.

After graduation, she married into the Yook family. Sungjae was physically abusive and beat her up daily. He had even caused her to suffer three miscarriages, and eventually, she was no longer able to conceive.

Tzuyu had wanted a divorce. However, the Yook family’s elder was a powerful man in politics. He forcefully suppressed the matter and Tzuyu lost her mind due to Sungjae’s torture. Post that, she was locked up in a mental hospital while Sungjae played around with women everyday. He even found a mistress and had a child with her.

Afterwards, Tzuyu murdered Sungjae and dismembered his body. She also wrote a letter, detailing her sufferings over the years. In that, she had mentioned that the Yook family was fearful that she would expose the matter of Sungjae’s mistress and illegitimate child, and had intentionally faked her mental illness to lock her up.

After uploading her letter onto Weibo, Tzuyu had gone ahead and taken her own life.

Lisa recalled that at the time, though she was already blind and could not read Tzuyu’s post, the media placed a lot of attention on the matter and that’s how she came to know of it.

She had wanted to read her final words. After all, they had once been roommates.

Thus, she had requested for someone to read it out loud to her.

“Lisa, what are you thinking about?” Tzuyu waved her hand in front of her eyes.

Lisa returned to the present. She felt sympathy swell up for Tzuyu but did not display it on her face. “I recalled some things of the past.”

“Look at your expression. They must be unhappy memories.” Tzuyu did not know her thoughts, but still showed kindness towards her. “How about this? You can confide your unhappy thoughts to me. As long as I’m able, I will definitely help you.”

She smiled. “Thank you.”

Tzuyu watched her and abruptly suggested to her. “It seems like you don’t have many friends. I’m also quite lonely. How about we become friends?”

“Yes.” Lisa nodded and agreed readily.

“That’s great!” Tzuyu gave her a warm hug. “You’re my only friend now!”

Lisa was not used to being embraced by others. Although her body stiffened, she did not push her away. “Your only friend?”

“That’s right. I used to have another friend, but… we’ve broken off our relationship.”

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