267.Examining The Hair

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Lisa was not an especially curious person. She did not pry about her past and only pursed her lips. “I hope our friendship will last for a long time.”

“It will.” Tzuyu nodded with certainty. She approached her side of the table and poured herself a cup of water. “I heard from my father that you came to look for me recently?”

Lisa sat on her bed to look at her. She had no intentions of hiding anything. “Actually, I went there to look for your family’s guest, Mr. Abott.”

Tzuyu finished drinking and placed the cup back on the table. She then approached her to grumble. “It turns out that you weren’t looking for me. I became quite happy about it though.”

The two chatted for a while and added each other on WeChat.

“It’s 9.00p.m. in the evening. I’m returning to the Lee home to sleep,” Lisa informed her before heading out of the dormitory.

Tzuyu immediately followed after her.

Lisa was confused. “What are you up to?”

“It’s 9.00p.m. in the evening. There aren’t any public buses. I have a car. I’ll drive you home.”

Lisa’s heart had turned numb due to loneliness a long time ago. But Sun Jiamu’s concern gently warmed her up. “No, if you do that, I’ll worry about you when you return to school alone. I’ll call a car by myself.”

She did not wait for the other party’s response and quickly ran back.

She had just arrived on the first floor when she received a notification in her WeChat messenger from Tzuyu.

It was a notification for a transfer of one thousand five hundred dollars.

[I heard… that you’re having some trouble with money. Use this amount first. If it’s not enough, feel free to ask me for more.]

Tzuyu had sent a voice message accompanying the transfer.

Lisa was really touched.

Most probably, Tzuyu did not know that Lisa was Jungkook’s actual fiancée, or that she had been successful recently. Tzuyu seemed to believe that she did not have much money and had decided to give her some.

After all, previously, when Jaehyun mocked her for saving up the money for public transport, the word had spread throughout the entire school.

For students, one thousand five hundred dollars was an extremely large sum.

Furthermore, “Use this amount first…” clearly indicated that there was no need for her to return the money.

She knew that Tzuyu was the Chou Group’s lady and was quite wealthy.

But she never expected Tzuyu to treat a new friend this well.

Lisa tapped on her phone and returned the sum. She then sent a voice message in response: [I have money. But I appreciate your feelings.]

To her surprise, the other party immediately sent the money back again.

[Is it too little? I can give you more. But you have to promise me not to request a ridiculous sum.]

Lisa returned the amount once more and smiled as she typed her response: [It’s too much. Stop sending it to me. If I really need money, I’ll definitely ask you.]

Tzuyu finally conceded and responded: [Good.]

Lisa had already called for a car through her mobile application. She boarded the car and returned to the Fang home.

Eunha secretly followed her to the school entrance. When she saw that Lisa’s car was headed in the direction of their home, she brought her phone out and made a call. “Mom, Lisa must be going back to our home. I’ll stay over in school tonight. Otherwise, she might notice that I’m following her again, like she did on Qian Wan Shan.”

Indeed, Lisa’s car was headed for the Lee home. When she arrived, both Shuhai and Lilan were on the first floor watching television.

They received her especially warmly and asked her a lot of questions as though they were very concerned about her.

However, Lisa’s attitude was cold towards them. She did not give them much attention and headed back to the second floor.

As she walked down the hallway, she noticed the Lee helpers’ eyes shifted to her every so often. They were clearly watching her.

She entered her room and locked the door.

Then, she activated her powers and concealed herself. She walked through the wall and headed for the third floor. She searched through Lilan’s room and discovered that there was not even a single strand of hair on her bed or in the bathroom.

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