263.Who Won The Lots For The New Dormitory

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On the other end, Jungkook had been very reluctant to end the call.

However, his heart was deeply enveloped by her caring words. It slowly melted his frozen heart into liquid warmth…

In the dormitory, Lisa was similarly staring at her phone in a daze.

She missed him very much as well…

However, she could not cause any delay to his matters.

“Third sister, who were you talking to?” At this moment, Eunha stepped into her dorm room.

“How is it related to you?” Lisa was too lazy to deal with her.

Yerin followed in after Eunha and reprimanded her unhappily. “Look at you, what’s with the attitude you’re using in front of your second sister? Have you forgotten? Back then, you had failed to win the lot for this dorm room. The only reason you can stay here now is because your second sister offered her lot to you.”

At this moment, her roommates, Shuhua and Tzuyu returned.

Shuhua had feelings for Jaehyun and Lisa had offended the person she admired. Thus, she naturally stood on Yerin’s side. “Aiya, Lalisa, you really don’t know what gratitude is. Your second sister gave up such a good dorm room to you. You can’t be so rude to her.”

Lisa sneered mockingly.

In her previous life, she was indeed deeply grateful to her second sister for her actions. It was to the point where she began to comply with everything her second sister said.

However, in actuality, Eunha did not win the lot.

Instead, Jungkook had secretly arranged for Lisa to have this room.

It was only that she used to deeply hate Jungkook and had focused all her feelings on Mingyu. There was no way she would have accepted anything from him.

Jungkook knew this well and his perception was worsened by Eunha’s interference. Thus, he decided not to mind the process. He only wanted her to live comfortably in school.

Thus, he allowed Eunha to ‘donate’ her lot to Lisa.

Afterwards, on one particular day when Jungkook came to the Lee home to visit her, she had found Jungkook alone with Eunha in the garden.

She clearly heard Eunha saying to Jungkook, “Jungkook, thank you so much for arranging room 202 in D2 for me.”

At the time, she had felt her heart turning cold.

She remembered hating Jungkook for this. She was his fiancée, yet he did not help her when she failed to win the lot. Instead, he went off to help her second sister!

She had felt extremely disgusted. At the same time, she misunderstood that he had some feelings for Eunha.

Furthermore, after Jungkook left, Eunha had also told her, “Third sister, Jungkook finds you ugly and fat. He has no intentions of marrying you. But I think there’s no point in being angry with him. Mingyu is the only person who won’t be upset with your ugly appearance. I also did not expect that, after giving you my room 201, Jungkook will arrange room 202 for me. I originally didn’t plan on telling you about it. I didn’t want you to be upset. I didn’t expect you to coincidentally hear us…”

At the time, Lisa’s heart had felt very bitter.

Prior to that, she actually did have some interest in Jungkook.

But through this incident, Eunha successfully ruined it all.

It was only much later, when she became half-paralysed, that Eunha came to mock her. “Do you remember years ago when we were picking lots for our dorm rooms? You weren’t the only person who failed to draw the lot. I also failed. Room 201 was arranged by Jungkook for you. The only reason I could stay in room 202 was because I went to beg Jungkook and claimed that I would be able to take better care of you this way. That was the only reason why I received such a treatment. Who asked you to always refuse his good intentions? Whenever he wanted to do something for you, he had to do it through me. Haha!”

The mocking words from back then still lingered by her ears. She would not allow Eunha to milk this ‘favour’ again.

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