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Sun rays traced your body as the morning welcomed the new day. Its light seeped through your lids as you slowly opened them to large bedroom. After years of hero work, you were the number one in Japan. Probably the richest woman in history at that. You looked around for a bit before glancing at the clock.


Time for work.

As you tried to roll out of bed a strong arm pulled you back. Laughing softly you rolled over to look at the culprit. The man before you, whom you had married for 3 years, the number 2 of Japan, but always your number 1. His face was still soft by the blanket of sleep. The blonde of his hair in a mess while nestled in the pillow. He wasn't sleepy, you knew he had been awake, he wanted to stay this way. As did you.

You reached up and softly ruffled his hair, the ring on your finger sparkling slightly in the light.

"Puppy it's time to go." You whispered to him quietly.

"Not yet." He muttered pulling you closer to him and your forheads touched softly.

You kissed your husband's head softly prompting him to open his eyes. Looking into those red eyes you loved so much, you smiled at him warmly.

"The fuck you smilin' for?" He tiredly asked slightly confused by your morning behavior. Despite relishing the face before him with all the love he had.

You shook your head and held his face lovingly, as you wished for this last an eternity. "Nothing. I'm just happy."


Sibyl sat on the bed across from you staring shakily at the sight before him. He's been by your side for 7 years. He's witnessed you in many emotions, anger especially.


ut this. The fox didn't know what to call this.

You had your hands together in a prayer like way as your eyeballs were black as ink. Your irises a blood red. Sibyl didn't even know if you wanted to kill. The very thought of peering into your mind frightened him beyond reason. He didn't even dare to force his ears to hear what you were muttering. Or who you were praying to.

"Sibyl." Your brother Hitoshi called to him, motioning for the fox to come.

The animal glanced at your furious prayer before slowly getting off the bed and going out the room.

"What the hell?" The boy asked. "I thought she'd bust out the room and storm out of the house. Why is she still here?"

The fox shook his head and spoke shakily. "I don't know." He breathed out fearfully as the boy looked at him in confused terror. "But I've never seen her like this in my life. This is something different. And it isn't anger."

Hitoshi looked up at you still in the same position and he swallowed hard at the sight. He could only imagine what you would do once done praying.


Izuku dried the glass cup in his hands still shaking in fear. It was surreal, he was in his friend's house, only for him to not be there. The silence was horrifying, his loud booming voice left the house a terrible kind of quiet. He feared for the blonde's life, and he feared the destruction of your anger. You worked so hard to prevent him being kidnapped, even kidnapping and subduing members of the League.

The boy looked up at Katsuki's father, who sat at the table staring off into space. His glasses sat beside him, his eyes dry from the crying. Never did he think he'd witness a human run out of tears.

Starbright Dreamer: Redemption (Bakugou X Black Fem Reader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now