Option 1: Silent Lover

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I changed my mind on the Touya X Reader to publish so this one is a Mute Reader. Read this and the other two, then chose which you like to see.

Pulling your luggages along you gripped your albino tiger Caida's leash rather tightly as your nerves ran amuck. You were still anxious about you perception of this regions language. Especially the signs. The animal turned back to you and nudged your leg. You knelt down to pet the animal with a smirk. The tigress closed her eyes with a fondness as you stood and began to walk again.

You exited the airport and looked around in confusion. You were supposed to be picked up by a pro hero by the name Api Biru. Touya Todoroki you were told his name was.

I guess he isn't here yet. You thought to yourself. Guess I'll sit and wait.

You led Caida to a bench and sat down as the tigress laid on the ground. Putting your headphones up you began to listen to the music. Looking around the terrain the place was more unfamiliar than you could've thought. Hopefully, you'll fare well in this new land.


"Tch." The man sounded in annoyance. "Why do I have to pick up this chick?"

His sister white hair speckled red just sighed. "I don't know, but try and be nice to her. She's not familiar with this place. Not to mention she's disabled."

"Then why is she a pro hero?"

"Her disability isn't that severe, but still be nice."

The male rolled his eyes, there were better things he could've done with his time then pick up some second rate American hero. He took out his phone fully annoyed with the task. Touya had a whole day of relaxation planned with the break he finally got. Only to be disrupted by the Commission and his father telling him of your arrival. In order to assimilate they place you with him? Why him of all people? Why not Miruko who would connect with you better what was the reason?

"Oh there she is." His sister said as he looked up and his eyes widened.

Every harsh thing he thought before disappeared from his mind. He'd met a few dark skinned people in his life, but you. You surprised him like nothing in this world. His eyes traced over your curved figure, muscles cut and carved feminine and perfect. The suit you wore traced you beautifullly especially that v-neck, dear god it did things to him no other sight could. Be it your quirk or the way your dark complexion glowed a warm gold hue in the sun that casted a spell on him. Touya couldn't be sure.

 Touya couldn't be sure

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Holy fuck. He thought in disbelief. Is this love at first sight. Or is she just hot? Touya questioned his emotions before reaching a resolve as he watched you pick at your afro with wonder in his soul. Whatever it is fuck it.

"Touya you good?" The girl asked confused by his staring.

"Yeah yeah yeah shut up." He said quickly shoving his phone into his pocket and began to fix his hair. "How do I look?"

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