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"Easy dammit watch it." Katsuki said muttering while he held you as you walked with closed eyes beneath a blindfold. You almost tripped over a step you could tell as your hand left the railing.

"How can I watch myself if you blindfolded me?" You asked as you held your stomach and felt the wall as he walked you through your house. "What kind of surprise did you make that you need to blindfold me in our house? I was so relaxed on the couch listening to whatever banging around you've been doing for the past month in one of the guest rooms. Which you still haven't told me what for?"

"You'll like it calm down." Katsuki said as you could practically feel him roll his eyes. You scoffed as you felt him walk you to a door he opened. "Alright stay here."

He left your side and you could hear him move stuff around. Then you heard him open a box. His footsteps approached you and something soft was put in your hands. "Keep your eyes closed." He muttered as he removed the blindfold and you held the soft object.

"Okay." You whispered keeping your eyes shut. Something was flipped and you could only assume that it was a light switch. Katsuki could be heard moving some other stuff around.

Katsuki held your shoulders tightly. "Now . . . open."

Slowly you opened your eyes and gasped with a smile at the beautifully decorated room. The walls were painted a light gold with white clouds. The ceiling colored to mimic the starry night sky with constellations drawn into it with precision with a shining golden chandelier. There were three white cribs in the large space.

There was a crib on two of the walls opposite of eachother and a third in the middle against a window. Each crib had a large white wooden dresser with golden knobs next to it and a basket. The middle of the room's brown hard wood floor was covered by a large white carpet and a circular playpen in its center. Within the pen were numerous soft toys of cars animals and letter blocks. In the far right corner of the room was a book shelf with a rocking chair and a lamp where the bulb was surrounded by a cotton-like material imitating a cloud with stars strung to it.

"Oh my goodness Katsuki!" You exclaimed with joy as you hugged the big gold stuffed bear in your arms. "Oh my god! This is what you've been doing for the past month?!" You asked leaving his side to examine the playpen in the middle of the room as he watched you with a proud grin.

"Yeah, you've been too tired to do it. And I wanted it to look like yours."

You examined the crib in awe before seeing a gold plaque at the head of the crib with one of your baby's names. "Oh you got their names engraved into it?!"

"Yeah, I know a guy who makes furniture. So I had him after making this, put the brats' names in gold."

"This is all so beautiful." You practically squealed full of emotion and warmth.

Sibyl peeked into the room along with Merlin. The two watching you excitedly admire your husband's work.

"The ceiling is so wonderful." You smiled while looking up at the extravagant display. You began to examine it better then realized with a warm heart. "It looks like the one from my childhood bedroom. You really remade it."

"Yeah, your mom gave me a picture for reference." He agreed as he turned off the light and the stars glowed white. The constellations being the brightest. As if the smile on your face couldn't get wider, Katsuki watched your joy increase. It was just like your childhood before all the terror. Before all the pain. "Also when you turn off the light the stars glow in the dark. I also got something to make it rotate like the earth as if the brats are watching the stars." At his words he pressed another button as the center circle rotated and the lights danced around the room.

Starbright Dreamer: Redemption (Bakugou X Black Fem Reader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now