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"Alright try again." You said softly.

You stood with Katsuki in your father's backyard. The blonde lifted up his hands as sparks flew in his hands. Gradually growing stronger, suddenly a burning tear was felt in his arms and he winced painfully before stopping.

"Ah shit." He muttered as he flexed his arms.

You sighed softly at your progress, but still you couldn't help but stare at his back flex through the sleeveless shirt he decided to wear.

"Oi," he called pulling you out of your trance. "you're s'posed to help me train. You wanna fuck instead?"

At his words you kept quiet before glancing back at the large house. "My bedroom is upstairs." His eyes widened at your boldness before you laughed at him. "Just kidding. . . . Maybe."

The blonde scoffed as you took his arm and began to massage it. "Hm. Could you use All Eyes to see inside of your arm?"

"Yeah. How far?"

"Nerves and muscle." You told him as his eyes turned green. "Then cast off an explosion doesn't matter how big."

He did as you told as he watched a spark go up his arm as pain pulsed through his muscles.

"Did you see your nerves spark?" You asked him as he nodded.

"Yeah so what?" He asked.

"I want you to try and use Alter so you can reduce the pain as you look at it." You suggested. "Basically I want you to use all three at once."

"Alright then."

"But please be careful, you're still learning them." You pleaded with a hint of worry.

"I'll be fine Twinkle. Don't worry about it." He told you as he began to set off explosions. As they began to get larger, Katsuki began to grin happily. "Hell yeah, that's more like it."

"Nice." You said clapping for him. "Now let's see if you can set off any without Alter okay?"

At this he would continue to set off explosions for some time. You watched over his progress with a grin as he began to get better at his art. Some time had passed and the blonde began to sweat while blasting himself through the air.

"Alright Puppy that's enough for today!" You yelled up to him as he landed next to you.

"Fuck." He groaned tiredly. "Alright, I should get going. Shit."

As he grumbled at his soreness you thought to yourself before smirking a little. "Hey why don't you stay the night?" You asked taking his arm. He arched his brow at as you eyed him cutely to convince him to stay. "Please?"

The blonde sucked his teeth and rolled his eyes. "Fine whatever."

"Yay." You cheered quietly as the two of you entered the house.


Katsuki washed the dishes in the silence of the large kitchen of your home. As he reached for a cup the blade of a knife grazed his hand. The blonde gasped softly as he saw himself back in that lab. Hands and feet tied to a chair as a blade cut into his hand. He couldn't scream as his mouth was taped shut. Katsuki could feel his lungs burn as his breathing stopped. He was afraid, terrified even.

The blade that cut into his hand was lifted to his right eye.

"This will hurt a great deal, but soon you will be perfect." Said the memory of the deceased villain.

Katsuki shook as the knife approached his eye, slowly, slowly, slow-

"BAKUGOU!" Aizawa yelled as he dropped the knife cutting his face.

Starbright Dreamer: Redemption (Bakugou X Black Fem Reader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now