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Quiet beeping sounded in the hospital room as you stood over your ex boyfriend's unconscious body. You stared at the male with a blank gaze. It was weird, you figured the way you reacted to his father would hold true here, but all you saw a demon. Who now looks nothing more than a worthless human.

"How the hell did I get attracted to you?" You whispered in wonder at the younger version of you. "Damn I was that desperate for affection."

As you scoffed the male began to stir, slowly his eyes opened and shot wide upon seeing you. Junpei stared in astonishment at your presence.


"Don't say my name." You cut him off harshly as he gasped quietly. "So how are you enjoying your stay?"

Suddenly, as if a switched had been flicked in his head, the male stared at you enraged. The male sat up slowly holding his gaze. "You made them do this to me. Just because I dumped your crazy ass didn't you?"

"Oh you mean my boyfriend and his friend beating your ass? Yeah no I didn't make them do that I was in the hospital. They kicked your ass once they found out what you did. I can't control their reaction."

"You bitch-" He sat up before finger into a coughing fit in which you smiled. "You-you like see-seeing me like this?"

"Yeah I do, and I can't wait for them to transport your asses to the Arizona State Prison."

His heart dropped at the name as his eyes switched from rage to terror. "W-wait. Arizona, I didn't even do anything!"

"You didn't do anything?" You asked before walking closer to him. "You and your father poisoned me and Guide so you could force your dick in me. What do you mean you didn't do anything?"

Junpei stayed silent and clenched his fists. He looked down and at your body before his eyes narrowed.

"What are you wearing?" He asked as you looked down at your attire.

"I'm going on a date after this, it's none of your business what I wear

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"I'm going on a date after this, it's none of your business what I wear." You said before. "Oh, that's right you hate the color red. Silly me I forgot."

"Are you trying to piss me off?"

"Yes, and this just so happens to be my boyfriend's favorite color."

"You bitch I should-"

"You should what?" A voice said from the door. You looked to see Katsuki stand there with fire in his eyes. "If you so much as touch the fabric on her clothes I'll send your ass to hell before her cousin gets a chance to tear you apart." He added as he walked to your side.

The boy eyed the male with a hateful recognition of his voice before looking at you. "So you rebounded with this?" Junpei asked with spite.

"I don't know why you're talking as if he didn't kick your ass before." You said before checking your watch. "Well we have a reservation to get to. I plan on eating well tonight. Oh you ate before didn't you?"

Starbright Dreamer: Redemption (Bakugou X Black Fem Reader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now