Underworld Rising

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"Mmmmmm." You groaned with fatigue while laid on the couch. Even laid down the weight of your stomach caused pain. You heard footsteps and looked to see your husband Katsuki enter and sit near you before softly rubbing your feet. "I fucking hate you." You whispered to him as he rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, not my fucking fault." Katsuki muttered in annoyance as he took your feet onto his lap and messaged them. You let out a sigh relief and rubbed your large stomach softly at the action.

"You put these three in here." You argued.

"You accepted the invitation, not my problem."

You frowned at him and kicked his arm. "You're lucky I'm carrying our first three or I would've kicked your ass by now."

"Mhm." The man sounded before your phone next to him rang.

"Who is it?" You asked he picked up the device.

Katsuki stared at in confusion. "It's an unknown number." He said handing it to you.

Furrowing your brows you looked at the number. You didn't recognize it, then answered. "Hello?"

"Cauchemar," you froze at the name, especially the voice. Katsuki looked at you confused by your sudden pause. "it's been a while hasn't it?"

"How did you get this number?" You asked the man as Sibyl teleported into the room and lept onto the coffee table.

"I see you're about to start a family congratulations-"

"Answer me Balthazar." You said as Katsuki gave you a look of shock recognizing the name. Sibyl's head turned to you and he stared at the phone with great concern.

"That's no way to greet an old friend." He said as you groaned into the phone. "Alright, alright, calm down old friend you're pregnant. I just need a favor from you."

"No." You said immediately. "I'm not doing anything for you don't call me again."

"You didn't even let me speak." Balthazar complained as you groaned at a sudden contraction.

"I don't care, listen to me, I've already broken my vow to not interact with the Underworld three times as a teenager. I'm 8 months pregnant with triplets jackass, the last thing I need is to have you assholes a part of my life again. If you call me again I'll find torture and murder your entire bloodline. I know where you son and his children lives. If you need a favor refer to the League. They're vigilantes, not me. Goodbye."

You hung up and dropped the phone before sighing.

"You okay?" Katsuki asked.

"I'll be fine, can you get me some octopus balls and scoop strawberry ice cream on top?"

"What kind of shitty combination is that, yesterday you had me chop up bananas and put them in your ramen broth."

"Shut up and bring me food." You kicked him again as he rolled his eyes and threw your legs off him.

"Whatever, weird ass taste buds." Katsuki muttered as Sibyl laughed and you rolled over in pain.

"God I hate this."


"112, 113, 114, 115," Katsuki counted with labored breaths while doing push-ups in his room. You sat on his back as he went up and down while scrolling through your phone. You waited for some sort of update from Tenko and the others. They've been gone for three days now.

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