Option 2: Titania Noir

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This is a Fairy Tail Crossover. You are Erza's younger sister, before you wonder it is genetically possible. However since you are Erza's sister, you will have red hair due to relation.


The night was cold, as it was every other night. A girl with scarlet hair walked slowly in one hand she held the reins of a small white horse. In the other arm she held a small bundle, inside a baby. Only a few days old. Her tattered cloth, she wouldn't dare call a dress clung to her skin loosely. The girl shivered as her single brown eye squinted through the soft snow.

Her horse whined quietly as she looked back at her mare and stroked her head. "It's okay Fairy, we'll find someplace warm." The girl urged her horse to walk before looking down at her sister's face.

Her dark and delicate skin was was cold to the touch. The baby's eyes were closed, and she wasn't moving. "Come on Y/N, you haven't moved at all." She said to you quietly.

The girl continued to walk slightly illuminated by the passing cars.


"Another day's work done." The number one said with a proud smile.

He took out his phone and opened it to a screen showing him smiling with his son. His naturally dry skin seemed to glow in the picture. "I wonder if Tenko's been alright home alone."

The hero looked up past his car to see Erza tattered and dirty. He looked again to see the bundle in her arms.

"Now what is that child doing out here?" He asked himself before yelling out. "Excuse me!"

Your sister jolted in surprise at the call as she looked back at the person calling for her. Her gripped tightened on you as she watched him approach. Of course she recognized the tall man, his standing blonde hair, and that famous smile.

"What do you want?" She asked warily.

Your sister stayed quiet shivering under the women's gaze at the cold. Toshinori looked towards her horse, before looking at the bundle in her arm. "What's that you're holding?"

"None of your business leave us alone." She started to walk with the horse before Shota spoke up.

"Please, don't to think I'll leave you out here. Especially with that baby in your arms." He said prompting her to stop. "The young girl will to freeze the death out here. So you might as well come with me if you don't want that to happen."

Your sister held you tightly before silently giving up her protest. He walked forward and took you from her then walked her towards the horse taking the reins.

"Come on." Toshinori said as the girl followed him to his car. The hero opened the trunk for the horse to get inside.

"Can you get her to go inside?" He asked.

She tugged on her reins as the horse seemed timid to enter. "It's okay Fairy go on." Your sister said as she hesitantly climbed into the trunk.

Toshinori closed the trunk and walked her over to the door and let her into the car. He closed the door behind her and got into the driver's seat, started the car, and began to drive. Your sister shifted uncomfortably in the seat as Fairy stuck her head out from the trunk. She looked forward at him as he looked at you.

"Hm. She's not moving." he spoke as your sister gulped loudly.

"Are you serious?" Erza asked as he nodded.

"Her breath is too soft, shit." He breathed out silently as he made a sharp turn in the direction of the hospital.

Fairy moved about shakily at the movement as she grabbed her reins. "Sorry uh, wait what's your name young one?" Toshinori asked.

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