Petty Bitch

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"Ugh!" Toga groaned loudly. It's been about ten minutes since Piper left and now the villains were lounging in Tenko's room as he played Mario Kart with Compress. "I'm so bored. Why'd she have to go to school?"

"She's still a student you dumb blonde." Spinner said back harshly. "Although she's our quote unquote guardian she still has her own life."

The girl groaned before she shot up. "Let's snoop around her room."

"Are you insane?" Mange asked her.

". . . Yes." She said back.

"Well then you're suicidal. Her fox is in there, and he'll eat us if we act up remember?" Compress said.

"But I'm bored." She said again. "I'm gonna go anyway."

"Here we go." Kurogiri said as she left the room.

Slightly intrigued Tenko got up and followed her. Toga opened the door to see Sibyl on the bed surrounded by dozens of written letters. A look of distress was written on his face.

"Hey," Compress called to the fox.

Sibyl looked up at them and tilted his head. "What do you guys want?"

"We were bored and just snooping." Toga said before looking at your bed. "What's all that?"

Sibyl looked down at the bed in silence as the other villains crowded by the door. "How do you guys fell about bullies?"

"I have a Mutant quirk that makes me look like this. I know a thing or two." Spinner said as they walked in. "So what are they?"

Sibyl picked up a letter and handed it to him. "Here, read one."

Spinner took the letter and began to read. Suddenly his eyes widened at the hurtful words. He himself had received his fair share of hurtful words. But this. This was demonic.

"Is this directed to her?"

"Of course it is." The fox responded. "Ever since she killed All For One they've been sending her this shit."

"But didn't she, in their sense, save them?" Kurogiri asked.

Sibyl scoffed. "Yeah, she did. But it's the way she did it that has people afraid. What makes it even worse is you guys being here."

"Well, I guess that makes sense." Toga said picking a paper up and reading it. "This one's telling her to kill herself."

"Yeah she doesn't need to see that. Tenko please dust that shit."

"Is she that suicidal?" Mange asked as Tenko made the letter turn to dust into your garbage.

"If I had a dime for everytime she tried to kill herself, then I'd have six." Sibyl said as he tore some more letters. "Which isn't many but it it's most certainly not okay that she tried to do so six times."

"Damn." Compress whispered. "I knew she was broken but not that much."

"Exactly which is why I need you guys to be safe enough to released into society, so I can keep an eye on her. She's finally in a somewhat stable state of mind. And I'll be damned if she goes nutty again."

At that Sibyl threw away the remaining letters.

"But how come her classmates don't see her the same way then?" Tenko asked.

"Apart from the fact they're not idiots, they know about Y/N's past. They understand that the events of her childhood transformed her into the ruthless killer she is now. Her classmates don't see her as a monster or a demon, just a damaged child who finds relief in a weird way."

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