An Unlikely Ally

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Tenko sat staring at the empty chair in front of him. His hands shook in horror at the thought of who was sitting in said chair. The last day was like a neverending nightmare. Tenko was out for the last 4, not aware of what All For One did. Everyday, according to Kurogiri, All For One would send a man out to bring Katsuki to his room. The first three days he fought back, nearly escaping the second day. However for the past two days he appeared drained.

Tenko didn't know what horrors his caretaker was committing to drain the life out of a fire such as Katsuki. The male would sit in his room, aware of what he meant to you. But then he remembered his own forbidden affection for you. Even going so far as to wish for him to die. Less competition. But it would make no difference, except multiply your rage.

Everytime he looked at your picture, he cursed himself for the thoughts that ran through his mind. He was impure, he killed his family, killed many more, terrorized the public, and now this. There was no salvation for him. It baffled him that you even attempted to offer it to him.

The sound of the door opening made him jump. A masked man dragged the blonde in and strapped him back in the chair, before leaving again in silence. Tenko stared at him, he was dirty, his ashe blonde hair almost appeared brown. His eyes were covered by a cloth, probably to shield them from whatever torture he committed to the blonde's red eyes.

Katsuki appeared to stare at the ground as his hands shook inside the restraints. The sight before Tenko was depressing, and pulled aonething out of him. Regret. Pity. Shame.

Slowly he got up and left out the room and walked down the hall. He took out his hand and attached it to his face before entering the villain's room.

"Father." He called to the man, slightly shuddering at the lie that danced off his tongue.

"Yes Tomura, I'm happy to tell you that the tests that I'm doing with our new member are going swimmingly."

"T-tests?" He asked almost afraid.

"Why yes, a powerful and destructive quirk such as his, deserves a few wonderful additions." He responded with some evil laughter. "A quirk I gave him, Alter, it'll allow him to increase or decrease the power of anything he wishes. However it relies on eye sight, so another quirk I gave him, All Eyes will grant him exceptional eyesight. So much so, that he'll be able to see things hidden to the human eye. The power it can increase will be comparable to One For All. Soon he'll be perfect."

Tenko stood frozen by his words. He already took him, now the tests? Dear God I can only hope that she doesn't target me. The boy thought before turning around.

"Just curious, since we're short on firepower." Tenko responded as he left.

"They're replaceable, you needn't worry."

At that word, he gulped, knowing full well, those words applied to him as well.


The darkness was all he could witness, the sounds around him continued to make Katsuki shift to the origin.

He was powerless and he hated it. Despite all the tests, and upgrades. One would think he would master them and use it to escape, but the pain was too much. As much as he would love to say that he would rather die, it would be a lie. He wanted to see you, whether angry, sad, enraged it didn't matter. Just to lay eyes on your face again, seemed to be the only reason he hasn't let go. All he could do was sit, wait, bide his time, in hopes that either he would escape or that you would come.

"Bakugou." He heard his name called and instantly his blood boiled at the recognition.

"You ashy son of a bitch!" He bellowed at the man who jolted back at his anger. "I swear if Y/N doesn't kill your dumbass I will!"

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