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"Well fuck me then!" Twice exclaimed at Piper in which she just laughed at him. "You mean to tell me that you didn't cry when Tony Stark died in Endgame?!"

"No, not really I mean, I loved him but I felt like it was coming."

"You are heartless." Spinner said in which she frowned.

These guys aren't bad. She thought to herself as Twice continued to mouth off about Tony Stark. If their views can get shifted then that would be fine.

"Hold on!" Twice yelled again.

"Could you stop yelling?" Kurogiri asked tiredly as Tenko laughed at him quietly.

"Did Y/N cry when Tony Stark died?" He asked.

"I'm not sure." Piper said. "Even as Astor's girlfriend I never interacted with Y/N until recently."

"I need to know, she can't be that emotionless."

"I will say that Astor told me that she cried at the end of Selena."

"That is a requirement." Compress spoke up. "Evil or not, you cannot live on this earth without without shedding tears at that bitch. You just can't."

"You're not wrong." Piper muttered as she heard the elevator door open and you walked down the hall. "Hi Y/N."

You didn't respond and kept walking. The others looked confused by your change of tone. Toga got up and peeked her head into your dorm where you sat at the desk. You scrolled through your laptop and glared at the screen.

She knocked the door softly. "Hi." Toga said as you turned your eyes towards her. "I know that me asking you might get me killed. But you being angry might make that chance higher. So I wanted to ask if you're okay."

You stayed quiet and looked back at your screen. "Don't worry about it. Not like y'all would care."

Toga frowned at your words. True it seemed that she wouldn't care, but the way you looked at her was unsettling to say the least. You seemed sad almost, an emotion she didn't think you were capable of. But then again the only emotions you ever displayed to her, were that of anger and rage.

She left your dorm room entrance and went back to the their circle.

"What's wrong with the bitch?" Spinner asked.

Toga shrugged. "I dunno, she looks upset about something. She looks like she wants to cry."

"Cry? Her? Never." Compress said in response.

"That's not true." Piper argued softly. "Rocks can crumble sometimes. Y/N's just good at hiding it."

"What do you care that she's upset?" Kurogiri asked her.

"Cuz, if she's angry she's more likely to kill us." Toga said defensively, in which he nodded in understanding.


As you sat on your bed typing on your computer a knock was heard at the door.

"Come in." You called to them.

Piper opened your door and waved. "Hi, I'm done with them for today." She said to you.

"Alright then thanks." You looked up to see the time was 1:30 pm. "See you later."

"Yeah," she said before standing in your door for a bit. "are you okay?"

"Hm? Yeah I'm fine." You told her carelessly as you waved her off.

Piper stared at you for a few more seconds before closing your door. She walked past the room with the League in it.

"Well I'll see you guys the day after tomorrow." She said to them.

Starbright Dreamer: Redemption (Bakugou X Black Fem Reader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now