Girl's Night

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"Ugh," you sounded tiredly leaving the restaurant. Stopping you took in a breath as a sharp pain hit your abdomen. A hand was felt on your shoulder. It was your mother.

"You okay sweetheart?" She asked with a smile.

"Yeah I'm fine. Stomach still hurts like shit." You complained before stretching. "What's next?"

"You're going to a hotel with the girls, and whereever else they're taking you." Aizawa said as you tilted your head in question.

"A hotel? For what?"

"You're gonna do a spa day with them," Umaya told you with a warm smile. "something to let your muscles and everything relax. And get you all pretty for your birthday. You'll be spending the next two nights with them until then."

"Okay then. That sounds nice." You nodded walking towards the limo.

Entering the vehicle you sat with your parents leaving the restaurant. You took out your phone to see a notification from the restaurant's Twitter. You opened it to see you in the kitchen with Gordon as he watched you cook the puffer fish. The caption read, 'Happy Birthday to our company's best. Today we made one of her dreams come true meeting famed chef Gordon Ramsey. Thank you for making this day possible.' Smiling at the screen you noticed a message from Katsuki.

Puppy 🐶 💞

Did my old man show
you the pendant I made?


Fuck, okay. Don't worry
about it.

You stared at the phone confused by his answer. What is he gonna do? You thought in question before more pain struck your body once more. Shaking your head the crown you wore shifted.

Umaya reached over and adjusted the crown. "Don't drop your crown sweetheart."

"Sorry." You muttered as the limo came to a stop.

"Here we are." Aizawa said as you left the limo to the tall building. "We'll leave you to them okay. Make sure to enjoy yourself."

"I'll try."

"Bye baby." Umaya said as the door closed and you entered the extravagant room. Decked with gold and silver accents in the furniture and decor.

"Y/N!" You heard a screech before being tackled in a hug by Mina with the rest of the girls behind her.

"Happy Birthday." Momo said with a grin as you scoffed in Mina's embrace.

"Thank you. And Jesus Mina."

"Well I'm sorry, but your trauma wouldn't let me throw you a birthday party. So we had to come here so you can relax." She said before dragging you away.

"Alright then, so what are you doing?"

"We're getting you naked first." Jirou said suddenly as you were rushed into an elevator with wide eyes.

"I'm sorry?"

"Apology accepted." She responded as Ochaco sighed.

"C'mon Jirou that's enough. We're taking you to get a massage and go to a sauna." Ochaco explained as you nodded.

"Okay then." You nodded as you arrived at a penthouse.

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