Swift Encounter 💫

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"You're weak." The woman said in the sitting area of the base. The man sat across from her looked up from his beak like mask and glared. Chisaki has had enough to deal with these past few days. Eri escaped, and this time he couldn't find her. The drug he successfully created stolen, the League betraying him, now the woman before him.

"Me? You're calling me weak? You came to me for my help

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"Me? You're calling me weak? You came to me for my help."

"True, but you were too stupid to see that the so called League of Villains were playing double."

"So you knew, but didn't think to inform us?" One of his lackeys asked angrily as she glared up at him.

"Yes, but it was for a good reason. I want her here."


"The woman who killed my father." She said while gripping her hands in anger. "He was such a great powerful man. Then she humiliated him. I want to tear that woman apart."

"So you decide to drag me into this?" Chisaki asked standing over her glaring through his mask. "I don't want that spawn of Satan to come through my door! But now she's escaped, Aizawa knows what I'm doing. Now she's on her way all because of your fucking vendetta?!"

The woman hit the table and stood before him with a such a terrifying gaze it threatened to make him break. "I don't care how angry you are. Whatever it takes I will complete my father's drea., but I need to kill her first."

Chisaki opened his mouth before the building shook and a loud explosion sounded in the distance.

The woman smiled with such sinister malice. "There you are." She picked up the weapon covered in cloth. "I don't care if you die or not, but she's mine."

In the entrance a trail of beaten and bruised lackeys laid on the ground. You whacked your sword throwing the blood off the blade. Everything was going well so far. Everyone knew what they were doing, and they were doing it well. You hummed quietly, it was quite calmer having other people to work with. Perhaps you should do this more often.

Suddenly a shine glimmered in the corner of your eye. Just as you raised your sword a figure appeared before you crashing into your blade.

Widened eyes looked at the black haired woman as she threw you into a wall and you rolled into a dark room. Standing up the woman began to laugh and she walked toward with a large buster sword.

"Who the fuck are you?" You asked in confusion.

"Oh you don't need to know who I am." She said with a maniacal and giddy voice. "Just know that you killed my father."

You tilted your head in slight confusion. "Look sweetie, I've killed a shit ton of people, so be specific."

"Shigaraki you bitch!" She screamed in rage as she rushed at you swinging her sword as you dodged.

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