Good Day, Best Year

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"Watch it Shitty Hair!" Katsuki reprimanded the male over his headphones in their war zone game. His white dog you gave him sat in his lap watching the screen with a smile as the other two slept in their beds. It was a weekend for class 3-A, a normal day like any other. The League were no longer under your watch, as of the year before. Granted the government still kept a close eye, they were out and fixed. As well as they could be.

The past two years have been very calm. Every so often there is a small skirmish, but nothing too memorable. Or more importantly, damaging.

It was the winter, so like always Katsuki had tea on his desk. As the blonde hated the season with a burning passion.

"Hey Puppy." You entered the room as Katsuki turned off his mic.

"Hey." He looked at your attire with a smirk while admiring your curves in the dress. "What's the occasion?"

"It's time for the Christmas ball my friend has every year, and this year the theme is Swan Lake."

Katsuki scoffed at the implication as you smiled at him cutely. "You want me to come with you again?"

"I mean yeah, it's tradition, we've won best dressed for the past two years, and I've been winning them for three years before that."

The blonde scoffed quietly. "Alright," he took your hand and examined the dress before prompting you to turn around. He felt the fabric against your figure with interest examining the glittery silver. "where'd you get this fabric from?"

"Mai had it imported from China. And the feathers for my coat are from France." You responded as he examined the colors.

"M'kay, I'll make mine based on this. Send me a picture of the coat too."

"Okay." You said before turning to kiss him pulling a smirk from the male. "For dinner I'm debating between a Korean barbecue for the class, or an Italian banquet. What do you think?"

Katsuki hummed quietly before facing the game as you pet the dog in his lap. "You don't cook a lot of European stuff, so maybe that. You need help?"

"If I say yes will you help me?" You asked with a playful smile as he rolled his eyes.

"Maybe." He responded leaning back in the seat.

You sighed before shaking your head while petting the other two dogs. "M'kay, I'll start at 5:30 so if you do decide to help you're welcome." You kissed his forehead before leaving the room.

The dog began to bark in his lap as he watched you leave.

"Oi calm down Jax." Katsuki told the dog as he scratched his head. The dog wagged his tail before it went back to watching the game.


You dropped the noodles into the boiling water before looking at the lack of some ingredients.

"Hey Handy!" You peeked out to see Shoji by the door wearing his shoes.

"Yes Y/N? You need something?"

"Yeah, you wouldn't mind helping me get some tomatoes, peppers and shrimp while you're out?"

"Of course. From that market you like right?"

"Yes, you're a doll. Tell me the total so I can pay you back." The boy agreed as he left the building and you returned to your work.

As you boiled the noodles and chopped onions, Izuku walked in with the marinated beef you made yesterday.

"Y/N want me to get started on this?" The boy asked you.

"That'd be great yes, make sure the grill is in a safe place for use."

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