True Pain

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"How do you not feel this shit?" Katsuki asked while standing over you as civilians were escorted out.

The villain you were fighting used telekinesis to twist your arm in an unnatural way. And as the insane woman that Katsuki Bakugou married you fought with said arm and defeated him swiftly. Of course your husband stood over you tired, and still confused after all these years.

"This doesn't hurt Puppy." You said snapping your arm back in place and you flexed as the bones healed.

"Is there anything in this shitty world that makes you feel fucking pain?" He asked.

Your face dropped as you remembered that time all those years ago. That time long ago, when you were in such pain that you were calm. Nearly you lost yourself that day.

You looked at your husband who awaited his answer.

"Yeah, there is something that makes me feel pain." You answered. "And you know what it is."


"LET GO OF ME YOU FAT PIECE OF SHIT!" Katsuki bellowed as the large hero held him firm but stumbled at the boy's strength.

"Bakugou please you need to calm down." Jeanist pleaded as he continued to kick and flail. "You just escaped, please don't put yourself in harm's way."

"SHE'S GONNA DIE YOU ASSHOLES! WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU LETTING HER FIGHT BY HERSELF?! YOU'RE ALL PIECES OF SHIT! GET THE FUCK OFFA ME!" He yelled out again as tears rolled down his face. The blonde could feel himself crumble at the sight. Your blood was gushing out. You looked dizzy even though still standing. He could see it.

It was like he was watching you die. You couldn't die. Not after what he said to you last. Katsuki pushed you away. He remembered the frown on your face. The blonde could feel his heart almost stop. Don't die. Please you're all I love don't die.

Toshinori stared at the screen as he watched AFO slap your mutilated body across the field. The hero couldn't keep his promise. There you were fighting his fight and appearing to lose.

"Sibyl, why are you still here?" He asked the fox. "Your partner is about to die.

The hero looked down at the fox who kept a straight face.

"She isn't gonna die." He said aloud, almost surprised.

"What are you talking about?" Endeavor asked while walking forward. "Half of her upper body is gone, she's missing a lung. Y/N won't be able to survive much longer. I'm going over there."

"No." Sibyl demanded making the man stop. "None of you are bonded to her life force. I don't know how but . . . she isn't dying. For some reason, it seems as if she's getting stronger?" At his words Katsuki quieted and looked at the screen your face remained unchanged.

The fox could feel it in his body, instead of the dread he felt as you were dying in the hospital. He felt your body burn, he felt your power surge. Sibyl watched as you stood firm as the villain approached you with his legs now healed.

Suddenly he was shot in the back. AFO looked down to see your chain connected to the gun you left before.

"You're not the only one with last minute tricks." The villain said to you with a swollen grin.

Tilting your head you looked at him confused before it became dark. As if the people couldn't be anymore astounded, the black tendrils from the villain's fingers lifted a very large abandoned building above you. He dropped it for the structure to crumble over and bury you.

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