A Broken Mother

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Katsuki walked down the hall of your floor in the late day. He opened your dorm room to see you adjust your hair in the mirror as you were fully dressed to leave that afternoon.

"Where the fuck are you going?" He asked you

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"Where the fuck are you going?" He asked you.

"Good afternoon to you too Puppy." You said while adjusting your tie in your afro.

"I asked you something."

You kept quiet while putting on your shoes. "I'm gonna visit someone."

"Who?" He asked again while walking inside.

Looking up at him you contemplated his possible reaction before saying. "My ex's mother."

He froze staring you as if you spoke blasphemy. "Who's mom?"

You sighed at his surprise before looking in his eyes. "My ex boyfriend, Junpei Gong's mother, Hanako. She's in a mental health center receiving treatment. I haven't checked on her in a while so I want to see her."

The male crossed his arms in thought. "How long she been there?"

"12 years." You responded while picking up your bag. "You wanna go with me? You look concerned."

"I mean yeah I am. In all honesty I assumed his hag was either dead, out of his life, or equally a piece of shit."

"Well she's none of those, if you want to come and see for yourself, then meet me downstairs in ten."

You told him as you left him in the room watching you leave. Katsuki stood there on silence before sighing. Just when he assumed he had your life figured out, you threw him another curve ball.


You sat in the back of the limo as the door opened and Katsuki stepped inside.

You sat in the back of the limo as the door opened and Katsuki stepped inside

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"You look nice." You told him as the limo moved along.

"Whatever." He muttered. "So why do you visit this hag?"

"He introduced me to her about a month after we started dating." You started quietly. "She has severe mental health problems, it got even worse when his father had an affair. It messed her up really bad and got her in there. He stopped visiting her after then. She doesn't have any other family, so I've done my best to keep her company."

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