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"Hey Idiot." Katsuki walked in on you holding your baby in the nursery. The room was dark as you put the infant to sleep while cradling it in your arms.

"Yes?" You whispered back as he came inside the room.

"Are you sure there's nothing else Deku's ass is keeping from me?"

Before you could respond, the baby in your arms stirred and whined quietly. You shushed the child and began to rock the chair. Katsuki reached to the crib mobile and turned on the lullaby setting. As the music quietly played, the baby soon became quiet, Katsuki looked in the other crib where the other two slept slept.

You sighed at his question and laughed quietly not wake up the baby. "Katsuki the only thing he kept secret from you was his quirk. Let it go."

"No I like being petty." He said as he bent down to look at the sleeping child. "You should do that too."

"Don't teach my baby that." You warned the man as you hit him softly. "You're gonna be a kind person."

"Nah they'll be petty assholes." He argued as he kissed your cheek.

"Don't cuss around the triplets, what did I say?" You hit your husband again as he left the room. "Good God he's never letting that go."


It was weird not having Sibyl in the classroom with you. But it was mandatory if you wished to keep Piper safe. You twirled the pencil around as Aizawa talked about the lesson. Suddenly your mind drifted to Aoyama's situation as Katsuki's parents plan to adopt him. Despite you 'taking' care of them, it would appear they're fighting back.

People are stubborn as fuck I swear. You thought tiredly.

Suddenly the bell rang and everyone turned in their assignments. As you walked out Izuku walked by you and waved. Katsuki walked up and glared at the male leaving. You looked at your boyfriend and noticing the peculiar glint in his eyes.

You were aware that Katsuki would glare at the kind boy for no apparent reason. Mainly for the minimal crime of him just simply existing. However, this was different. The look in his eye almost appeared like he was questioning something, even more so, it seemed like Katsuki was trying to decide something.

"Puppy," you snapped him from his thoughts. The blonde looked down and you smiled at him and arched your brow. "why are you staring at BB like that?"

"Don't worry about it." He said back lowly careful of his tone as the two of approached the lockers. "Hey," Katsuki called out suddenly as you took your food from the locker.


"Can we eat on the roof?"

You tilted your head confused by his question as you closed your locker. "Just us?"

"Of course idiot."

Well this is new. Despite the curiosity you held, you shrugged your shoulders. "Sure, why not?"

At your affirmation you followed him away from the lockers and to the stairs. The two of you walked in silence before reaching the vacant roof. You sat on the ground near one of the barbed wire fences. Katsuki knelt down pushed your legs apart and laid back between your thighs.

"Seriously?" You asked as he glanced at you and rolled his eyes. "Okay, just don't start biting, cuz you left marks last time."

Katsuki groaned at your words as you picked up your lunchbox and began to eat while holding the plate above his head. The two of you sat in silence.

Starbright Dreamer: Redemption (Bakugou X Black Fem Reader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now