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You looked up at the villain before you and gave him a smile. The man looked down at you returning the gesture. Your sheild disappeared before being replaced by a spear.

"Well hello young Stellaraguel." He said to menacingly holding his smile. "I must say I admire your abilities. You strength is beautiful."

Tilting your head your smile widened. "Why thank you, so you'll find it enchanting as I tear you apart." At that you threw you spear, as AFO turned his you kicked at his jaw.

Jumping up, you kicked downward plowing his head into the ground. Landing swiftly you caught your spear and plunged it into the ground for him to blast away with the air force from his arm.

"Oh. You wanna play tag!" You said maniacally as black wings sprouted from your back and you flew after him.

The man laughed as his blank tendrils hot out towards you. "You have limits young lady. And I have waited long to see what they are!" He yelled to you as spikes attacked you from all directions. Not even caring to dodge, you flew straight through the assault. The spikes cut into you only for your injuries to heal just as quick. One even piercing your wing until you broke it off.

Finally catching up, you drop down on him slamming him into the ground.

"Limits?" You asked looking down at him as your arms became large and fury from summoning the bear constellation Ursa Major. "ME?!"

At that you began to deliver blows to his head. With each punch the area around you shook and trembled from the immense force of your assault.

AFO's sleeves bulked up and blew you off of his body. You stopped your ascent with your black wings. The man appeared behind you, and with his large arm dealt a blow slamming you into the ground.

The blood rush through your body felt uplifting, nothing pained you. You were on top of the world.

Summoning your sheild once more, you slammed it into the ground and it shattered into many pieces. As AFO flew down to you quickly, chains, thin as threads weaved out of your arms and attached to the shards. Once close enough, AFO's fist was about to plunge once more, you swung your arm and the shards cut in to him. The force making him crash into a nearby building.

As he rose, you walked towards him slowly swinging your chains. The shard clanked together in an evil symphony. The way the crashed against eachother made your footsteps all the more fearsome. You swung the shards again, and this time cutting into the man's skin.

"You little." The man grumbled before taking to the sky and blasting numerous air cannons to you.

Again you stood still taking each blow the attacks that devastated the area around you. The attacks feeling like a gentle breeze to you. The villain stopped his assault to look down and see you unscathed.

Discomfort riddled his face at your dexterity.

"You done?!" You yelled up to him. "Great! My turn. Sibylline!" The fox appeared dropping two large guns and disappeared as you caught them. With a large grin, and each rifle in a hand you pointed them at him.

 With a large grin, and each rifle in a hand you pointed them at him

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Starbright Dreamer: Redemption (Bakugou X Black Fem Reader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now