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Disclaimer: I don't know much about how the Japanese court system works. I tried my best to research, so some things here might not be fully accurate. Just to let you know I tried my best.


The car drove up to the large court house surrounded by photographers as cameras flashed. You saw him, wobbling through the crowd on his cane. Gripping your legs, the nails seemed to pierce into your legs. Umaya looked at the terrified look on your face and held your hand.

"It'll be over before you know it sweetheart." She said as you nodded frantically.

You've accomplished many fear inducing stunts. You've faced down monsters, both figurative and literal. You've stared death in the face and told it off numerous times in your life. Very, very, few times in your life were you ever scared.

Today you were terrified, frozen stiff.

Why? You asked yourself. Why am I so scared of you?

"Y/N," Aizawa called put to you. "breathe. Alright? We'll wait a bit."

You swallowed hard as Leila parked the car. Closing your eyes you breathed in and out as Umaya continued to rub your hands. Sibyl watched as you tried to soothe your mind. Never did you think the sight of a man could bring you such horror. But you couldn't stay here forever. You came for a reason.

The sooner I get this over with the sooner I can never see him again. You thought before clapping your face and putting your shades back on. "Okay, I'm good."

"Perfect." Aizawa said putting his own back on. "Let's go."

At that you exited the car as paparazzi began to crowd around bombarding you with questions. Umaya came around to you and began to direct you through the crowd. Sibyl grew bigger and began to growl at the photographers prompting them to back away.

"Y/N! Y/N! How was someone like you assaulted so long ago?"

"Did this event set you off on your path of madness?"

"Why did it take 3 years for you to come out?"

"Is it true you once dated Gong's son Junpei?"

You covered your ears as you entered the building. Their questions seeped into your mind causing a flurry. It was too many at once. They seemed to resurrect those times you blamed yourself. How was someone like you assaulted? A good question. How could such a powerful woman like you be put through such pain? Such misery. It didn't make sense.

"Y/N calm down." Umaya said yet you didn't hear her through your distress as you continued to walk.

Aizawa glared at the crowd. "Sibyl." He called to him.

The fox now 6 feet tall began to lunge at the crowd before they all backed away screaming. Sibyl bared his teeth letting out a deep growl as the crowd backed away. Keeping your ears covered you entered the building with your parents and Sibyl.

Making a turn you entered the room. There were more cameras but the room was quieter. Three judges sat at the front and talked quietly among themselves before they noticed you. They watched you and your family sit down as Sibyl shrunk back to his normal size.

Across from you, Fu Gong appeared to be arguing heavily, yet quiet with the man sat next to him. Suddenly he looked at you before you pulled on Aizawa's arm to hide your face.

"What is it?" He asked confused by your reaction.

"He-" You whispered shakily. "He's looking at me."

Aizawa gasped quietly and looked at the man before glaring. "Turn around you asshole."

Starbright Dreamer: Redemption (Bakugou X Black Fem Reader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now