Punishment for the Remorsed💫

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Enji walked through the quiet center with the flowers in hand. Nurses walked by him whispering to themselves. Once they spotted him they quickly scurried away. At the sight of that the man sighed quietly. He finally reached her door and knocked on it softly.

Another nurse opened the door to greet him.

"Good Morning Mr. Todoroki." She said as she spotted the flowers. "These are for her?" She asked.

"Yes." He said quickly as he handed them to her.

"Okay then. Rei dear." The woman started as she closed their door and their muffled voices were heard.

Enji stood there for some time. Why didn't he leave even he was unsure. Everything just seemed so surreal, different, unexplainable. His dead son was alive and out there somewhere. Enji concluded that he was plotting his death. An assumption he accepted and a punishment he felt deserving of.

The nurse opened the door and exited the room. She bowed to him before leaving. The man stayed, he didn't move. Enji wanted to see her, but he's caused enough damage. Damage that was irreparable. Damage he couldn't reverse.

Suddenly he heard paper ruffle, he looked down and saw a piece of paper under the door. Presumably from Rei, she wanted to speak to him. Enji knelt down and picked up the paper. He opened it slowly and read her message.

Thank you for the flowers. I didn't realize that you remembered that day I told you I liked them.

He sat down on the floor staring at the note. Enji examined her wording, he could sense her surprise. Of course he couldn't blame her with his behavior, he wasn't shocked to see her own astonishment.

The man took a pen from his pocket and began to write a reply. He slid the note under the door.

Rei who sat on her bed examining the plants fondly looked down surprised at the action. She set the vase of flowers down and walked over to the paper. Rei sat on the floor and opened it.

I'm glad you like them. Even if I can't say it to you verbally, I want you to know I'm sorry. If you don't accept my apology, that's fine as well.

The woman smiled a little at the reply before writing back and she slid it under the door. Enji picked it up.

I know you're sorry, Shoto's been telling me everything. He also told me that Touya is still alive.

Is that true?

Enji swallowed hard as he wrote on the paper then slid it back.

He is. Yes. Apparently he has been working for Y/N for some time. And he's been waiting for the right time to come back. As if there will be.

Rei read his last few words in slight shock. Her brows furrowed as she wrote back and slid it under the door.

Why do you say that? Shoto has begun to accept you Fuyumi is happy, and Natsuo seems to stay at home more.

He slid the paper back.

They may appear that way to you. But I'm with them out here. Fuyumi maybe, but they are a long way away from accepting me. They shouldn't.

Rei frowned at the paper and wrote back. She paused in her reply, before writing again. She slid it under the door.

I know you have remorse and they see that too. They know you're trying, so do I.

I still love you.

Enji froze at those words. To be told that someone held affection for him. He never thought that he would witness such feelings. The man gripped his pen almost breaking it. Finally he wrote back and slid the paper under the door. As he did, Enji stood up and walked away. His retreating footsteps were heard by Rei.

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