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You sat impatiently in your dorm with Xiao'yuer sat at your desk. He glanced at your nervous figure.

"You know this is big as fuck if Sibyl can find that camera." Xiao'yuer said suddenly. "Like we finally have something on their asses."

"I know." You muttered. "I just pray that he finds it."

Suddenly a bright light appeared as Sibyl came in. "I found it!" He announced as you clapped excitedly.

"Yes! Okay thank you, did you get it on Goldie's flash drive?" You asked with enthusiasm.

"Yes I did." The fox said pulling out a flash drive and handed it to the male.

"Alright then." He put the drive in his mouth as the pointer finger on his right hand turned into a USB stick..

Xiao'yuer put it inside your computer. His eyes glowed as he uploaded the footage into the device. "Okay it's all there, now let's find the night it happened." Xiao'yuer began to quickly shift through the video files as you watched expectantly.


The rest of the class lounged around the common area while watching TV. Katsuki and Izuku loaded the last of the trash in a garbage can before Xiao'yuer bursted out of the elevator while dragging you along.

"WE GOT THEIR ASSES BITCHES! LETS GO!" He said before leaving out the door with you before Sibyl walked in and tilted his head at his enthusiasm.

"Sibyl what was that about?" Eijirou asked him.

"Well Y/N and Bakugou visited her ex's mom yesterday."

Izuku looked at him confused. "You visited his mom?"

"She's mentally unhealthy and in a ward for treatment jackass. That piece of shit dad fucked her up and neither of em' give a shit about her. That idiot is the one paying for her treatment anyway." Katsuki responded harshly.

"What's wrong with her?" Hagakure asked.

"She's got bipolar disorder and a severe case of confabulation. Where her mind makes up memories she never fucking had. The hag was an orphan, had a miscarraige, and was cheated on by the son of a bitch in which she nearly killed his ass. So they put her in the ward for treatment. Since her own son couldn't be fucking bothered to visit her, she's been doin' it for him."

"Well he's just racking up reasons that he's a piece of shit." Sero said.

"So then what was Xiao'yuer talking about then?" Eijirou asked again.

"Well Y/N finally told her what her husband and son did." Sibyl started. "Then Hanako revealed that in the room where it happened the house has cameras she put everywhere. So I went there found where the footage was kept. And I brought it Xiao'yuer he found the footage that recorded what happened. So now, they're going to the police."

"About damn time." Hitoshi said. "Oh wait let me tell dad, he'd love to hear this."


You and Xiao'yuer sat in the waiting area and you watched the people move around with impatience.

"Calm down we got the shit, once we turn it in they can't deny it." He assured you. "And it recorded audio so. Not to mention I copied the shit."

"Well you thought of everything."

"Of course you know how long I waited for this?" He asked. "They've been sitting pretty for too fucking long."

You nodded in agreement as you took in a deep breath.

"Y/N!" You looked to see Aizawa with your mother and Hitoshi walk in.


"Why didn't you tell me you were coming for this?" Aizawa asked.

Starbright Dreamer: Redemption (Bakugou X Black Fem Reader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now