Chapter 4: It is Simply Like a Two Different People

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There was a set of clothes neatly placed on the bed, a white dress, and new underwear. 

Lin Xiyu changed her clothes before Lu Junting came out, and the size was surprisingly just right.

She stuffed the clothes she had worn yesterday into her backpack, and threw the bathrobe that had fallen on the ground on the bed. 

After doing all of this, she heard a push on the door, she looked over with a panicked look on her face, clutching her bag and was confronted by Lu Junting who walked out of the bathroom.

Lu Junting changed his clothes after taking a shower, a dark green shirt, a pair of pure black trousers with the buttons of the shirt half buttoned, revealing half of his chest faintly.

He had the habit of working out, revealing the full and firm chest muscles. He also washed his hair, took a bath towel in his hand, wiping his hair as he walked.

He glanced at her. She was clutching her bag with a bemused look. 

He was quite calm and asked, "Remember?" Lin Xiyu lowered her head and did not dare to look at him, "I remember some of it." "What do you remember?" He asked again.

This feeling was indescribable, like the kind of student who was usually well-behaved and docile but suddenly did something to offend their elders.

Lin Xiyu wanted to cry without tears, she said, "I drank too much wine yesterday and I wasn't sober at that time. I'm sorry if I offended you in any way. However..." She glanced at him hesitantly, and she saw that he looked at her inquisitively, as if waiting for her to continue, "Brother Junting, how did you enter my room?"

"I knocked on the door yesterday and you didn't answer, I heard Junfeng say that you had too much drinking and afraid that something would happen to you. It just so happened that I knew the hotel owner, so I asked him to give me your room card." Lin Xiyu nodded and added, "Actually, brother Junting can ignore me and let me sleep here."

"Are you blaming me?" Did Lin Xiyu even dare to blame him? In fact, she did not understand why this kind of thing happened, although she lived in Lu's house, Lu Junting rarely returned, they rarely saw each other and even if they met, they could not say anything, they were not familiar to each other.

Lu Junting actually did not care about her at all, he could just treat her behavior as a drunken madness, and waited until she sobered up before finding her to discuss her offense.

He was really not guilty of having sexual relationship with her..

Lu Junting stepped forward and stood in front of her. The sense of intimidation from him suddenly spread out, and Lin Xiyu did not dare to look at him even more. 

She lowered her head, her gaze landing right on those two slender legs, and some images suddenly appeared in her mind. Lin Xiyu gritted her teeth. 

What was the point of thinking about that at a time like this?

"Are you blaming me for taking advantage of someone in difficulty? Or are you blaming me for not being gentleman as Liu Xiahui*?*

Legend has it that on a cold night, Liuxia Hui stayed at the city gate and met a homeless woman. Liuxia Hui was afraid that she would freeze to death, so he asked her to sit in her arms, unbuttoned her coat and wrapped her tightly, and sat together all night without any indecent behavior. 

Therefore, Liu Xiahui was known as a righteous gentleman.

"No." She whispered. 

"I'm a normal man with a normal physiological reaction, you did that yesterday... I really didn't hold back, and it's understandable that you blame me, I apologize." Lin Xiyu lowered her head and did not speak.

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