Chapter 9: Marry me and have children

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But she really didn't understand why.

Lin Xiyu looked puzzled, "Why do you keep this child? You will get married in the future. If you bring a child, others may mind."

Lu Junting said: "I don't want to think about marriage at the moment, and I heard that miscarriage is not only very harmful to pregnant women, but also very harmful to children, his body will be shattered. Dig it out, I, Lu Junting, can't do such a cruel thing to kill a son, so I want to keep him."


Why does this sound so strange, as if she is the ruthless person who wants to brutally kill children.

"Your parents spent their whole lives running around for the helpless children abandoned by their parents, and they saved too many unfortunate children in their lives." He looked at her with deep eyes, "But they But he can't save his grandson."


Lu Junting's words struck her heart like a big bell.

"Of course, the final choice is yours, you don't have to rush to answer me, I will give you time to think about it, and you will tell me your answer after you have considered it."

Lin Xiyu really decided to get rid of the child at first, but she couldn't help but hesitate after hearing him say that.

She thought of her parents, who devoted their whole life to charity, opened many orphanages to help homeless children, and was still working on the construction of orphanages before the car accident.

She knocked out the child, is it counted as murder?

Lin Xiyu finally agreed to think about it for a while. Lu Junting asked his assistant to send her back to Lu's house. Before leaving, Lin Xiyu asked for Lu Junting's phone number, so it would be easier to contact him later.

Lin Xiyu has been very worried these two days, she is so tangled to death, whether to keep this child or not, if not, will she be considered a murderer? If she stayed... She felt awkward at the thought of giving birth to her and Lu Junting's child.

, if she meets a boy she particularly likes in the future, if she has had children with other men, she feels that it is unfair to him.

After thinking about it, she felt that this child could not be kept. She went to the Internet to check the details of the miscarriage. She has not been pregnant for a long time now, and this is an embryo, which has not yet developed into a human form, so her killing it should not be considered murder.

After she made up her mind, she called Lu Junting, but Lu Junting answered the phone quickly.

"Brother Jun Ting?"

"It's me." Across the phone, his voice sounded mellow.

Lin Xiyu took a deep breath and said, "I've already thought about it, I want to kill this child."

There was silence for a long time, Lin Xiyu asked tentatively, "Brother Junting, are you listening?"


It took a while for his voice to come over, in a slightly darker tone.

For Lu Junting, keeping this child in order to inherit the family, but for Lin Xiyu, keeping this child will bring her a lot of trouble, Lin Xiyu is very rational, she knows that this child cannot be kept.

Lin Xiyu said: "This was originally an accident, I just want to return to normal life quickly, I have just entered the society, and now I only need to think about work, I don't want to think about other things. , and I have also checked, and now the month is still young, he has not yet formed, just an embryo, not as cruel as Jun Ting said."

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