Chapter 12: Get married

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Zhang Yao got angry and said to Jiang Lisu: "Second sister-in-law, some things can't be said nonsense."

    Jiang Lisu was not at all unhappy in the face of doubts, she smiled kindly, "I also heard Yutong talk about this, Yutong went to the hospital that day when she was not feeling well, just saw the doctor's office When Xixi came out, Yutong saw that her face was bad and thought she was sick, so she went to ask the doctor out of concern, but it was a happy event, it turned out that Xixi was pregnant."

    If Lin Xiyu gets married, pregnancy can be regarded as a happy event, but she has not even talked about a boyfriend now, so the unwanted pregnancy can only be regarded as a scandal.

    Lin Xiyu felt that things were not that simple, why did it happen that she went to the hospital that day and Yan Yutong was also in the hospital, and she knew that she was pregnant and didn't say it, but she brought it up when everyone was there.

    Lin Xiyu guessed right, there are really no such coincidences in this world. In fact, Yan Yutong was following Lin Xiyu on purpose that day. Yan Yutong suddenly couldn't contact Lu Junfeng that day. She thought that Lu Junfeng had a secret date with Lin Xiyu, and it was not a secret that Lin Xiyu went to work, so Yan Yutong also knew. She secretly went to look for Lin Xiyu's work place. She didn't see Lu Junfeng, but saw Lin Xiyu hurriedly leave from work. She thought that Lin Xiyu was going to meet Lu Junfeng, so she continued to follow, but she didn't expect to find out that Lin Xiyu was pregnant.

    Of course she knew that the child was not Lu Junfeng's. She asked the doctor about the date, but Lu Junfeng had not met Lin Xiyu during that time. As long as it's not Lu Junfeng's, it's easy to handle, and I don't know which wild man she secretly has an affair with and is pregnant.

    Yan Yutong saw everyone looking at her, she glanced at Lin Xiyu's helpless face and was exposed to a scandal, suppressed the joy in her heart, and said, "It's in the fourth hospital, Xixi's account is an expert. I said that I was a friend of Xixi, and the expert told me. Xixi, why didn't you tell everyone that this was a happy event? Even your aunt Yao concealed it? "

    Yan Yutong wants to see how Lin Xiyu pretends to be pure and clean. Isn't she the good girl everyone likes, she got pregnant without even having a boyfriend, now everyone knows , she's just a scumbag who doesn't know the rules and goes out to mess around.

    After Yan Yutong finished speaking, she glanced at Lu Junfeng next to him. Obviously, Lu Junfeng was shocked by the news. She knew that Lu Junfeng's mood must be very complicated at this time. She just wanted to let him know that he had been thinking about it. The same girl is just like that, her purity is all pretentious.

    Zhang Yao was also anxious and asked, "Xixi, is what your second aunt and others said true? Are you really pregnant?"

    Lin Xiyu knew that she couldn't hide it, so she nodded, Zhang Yao suddenly became angry and angry, "Then why didn't you tell me? Did you get a boyfriend? When did it happen? Who is that boy?"

    Lin Xiyu lowered her head and did not speak, she knew that Jiang Lisu and the others would definitely seize this matter, she waited for them to continue.

    Sure enough, Jiang Lisu immediately said again: "Xixi, don't be shy, this is a family, if you have a boyfriend, say it openly, if you are bullied Just tell me about the **** who bullied you, and we'll help you decide."

    I don't know if Lin Xiyu is the master or not, but the joke must be true, otherwise they wouldn't deliberately take advantage of everyone to speak out about it.

    Yan Yutong also said: "Xixi, just tell us who that person is, there is nothing to say, is that person very shameful?"

    Zhang Yao was really angry and distressed, she held Lin Xiyu's hand and comforted: "It's okay, if you don't want to say it, forget it."

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