Chapter 31: The emotion of greed and possession

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Lin Xiyu wondered why Lu Junting did this, she thought that after she became pregnant, he kept persuading her to keep the child, so he lied to her in order to keep the child?

    Lin Xiyu got into the car in a daze, and Lin Xigan said to her, "So now you should know that Lu Junting is a scheming, dark-bellied and vicious person?"

    Lin Xiyu's thoughts are still very confused now, she seems to be asking others and asking herself, "Why does he do this? Everything must be motivated, if he really wants a child ,Why do you have to work so hard, is it because I look alike with his first love? Why doesn't he go so hard to find his first love? Let his first love bear him a child?"

    Lin Xigan said: "Because you are a perfect tool person."

    "What do you mean?"

    "He and his first love may not be together for some reason, but he still misses her. If someone backs you, he can completely control you. You can't be with your first love. It's not bad to be with a substitute. You should know that people like Lu Junting need descendants or heirs, and you are the perfect tool. It's almost like it's tailor-made for him, you can not only help him have children, you can even help him sometimes with physical needs."

    Lin Xiyu was thin-skinned, and when she heard the second half of the sentence, her face became hot all of a sudden.

    Does Lu Junting really use her as a tool? He went to great lengths to keep this child, just to let her substitute give birth to him? If it's true, then it's abhorrent for him to do so.

    "I'll accompany you to find Lu Junting now. If you're not good at speaking, I can help you."

    "Say what?"

    "Divorce him."

    Divorced? If he and Lu Junting get a divorce, what will happen to Bao Bao? Lu Junting would never let her take the child away.

    "Not yet."

    "What are you thinking? You still want to stay with that person at this time. Don't you understand now? Lu Junting is very dangerous."

    Lin Xiyu said: "I don't want to leave my child, he is so young, what if he leaves me?"

    "That child is also Lu Junting's. The Lu family has a big business. Are you still worried about not being able to support a child?"

    "He is too young, so small child is separated from his mother, how pitiful he is."

    "You still have a heart for poor people? You don't know where that child came from?"

    Lin Xiyu was also angry when she heard this, "That child was born in my pregnancy in October. He is my child, and it is not something that can be given up just by giving up."

    Lin Xiqian fell silent, and then looked at her with an expression of sudden realization, "This is the effect Lu Junting wants, he tried his best to keep the child, he knows that a woman can't leave once she has a child. It's easy, and he can use the child to continue to control you and let you be willing to be used by him. I never understood why Lu Junting planned to keep you away from me, but now I understand, he just doesn't want you to have a way out, in this life only to be by his side."

    Lin Xiyu was upset, she said, "I need to think for myself."

    After she finished speaking, she opened the car door and got out of the car, Lin Xigan caught up, he grabbed her wrist, and said to her in a gentle tone: "I'm just too angry, so I speak more directly ,Do not be angry."

    "I'm not angry, I just want to be quiet."

    Lin Xiyu broke his hand and stopped a taxi to leave. She called the club first to express her apology, and then went home directly.

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