Chapter 32: Family is my bottom line, whoever destroys will die...

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Lin Xiyu was in a very complicated mood. She had suspected Lu Junting before, and suspected that he had been using her as Lin Xigan said, so she was somewhat dissatisfied because of her suspicion, and her attitude towards him during this period was obviously colder.

    But now, he took a photo of her father's letter to her and sent it to her. It was probably for this reason that she brought her to the auction, but she almost missed the auction because of her dissatisfaction with him.

    Just like this, I returned home with a complicated mood. It was very late, and the baby was asleep. Lin Xiyu returned to the room and saw the sleeping baby lying on the bed. During this time, the baby They all slept with her, so the nanny naturally put him in her room.

    Lin Xiyu kissed him on the cheek, then walked to the table, turned on the lamp, and turned the light to the darkest. Only then did she carefully open the letter.

      Filled with stars. And now, I'm sitting under the stars and writing this letter to you in the future."

    Lin Xiyu raised her head and glanced at the night sky. Today, the night sky is cloudless, and the stars hang high in the sky, just like the night when my father wrote this letter.

    At this moment, her child is lying on her bed. At that time, when her father looked at her half-year-old, was she as gentle as she looked at a good baby.

    It's just such a coincidence, a few years ago, on a starry night, my father wrote this letter to her, and a few years later, her child was as old as she was at that time, and the same It was on a starry night, she was sitting at the table reading the letter her father had written to her.


    Two pages full of paper, full of his father's joy of becoming a father and his love for his young daughter, he said, she is the sweetheart he holds in his hand and wants to take care of him all the time, he It was said that before she was born, he was a naive boy at heart, but after she was born, he grew up overnight and knew the weight of the word responsibility.


    He said that if she had a child in the future, he would hold the child on his knees and teach his grandson to write stroke by stroke just like he taught her to write.

    There are many, many, every word is a love that cannot be dissolved. Lin Xiyu read it over and over several times, tears moistening her eyes again and again.

    In the middle of the night, she put away the letter paper neatly, then kissed Gubao on the face, carefully walked out of the room, and pushed open Lu Junting's door.

    Lu Junting's room was still lit, he still hadn't slept so late, he was sitting on the bedside reading a book at the moment.

    "It's so late, haven't you slept yet?"

    Lu Junting put down the book, "You didn't sleep either? Why did you come to my room?"

    Lin Xiyu walked to the bed and sat down. At this time, her heart was surging. She was silent for a while and said, "Brother Junting, thank you."

    I really thank him, from the bottom of my heart.

    Lu Junting moved towards her a little bit, he gently pinched her chin with his fingers and lifted her face, asking her, "Are you crying?"

    "Yeah." Lin Xiyu was a little embarrassed, "Looking at the letter my father sent me, I miss him."

    Lu Junting let go of his hand and said, "Since you're here, sleep here, come up."

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