Chapter 15: Live with him

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Move to live with Lu Junting?

    In fact, after the two got the marriage certificate, Lin Xiyu thought about where she and Lu Junting will live after they get married. There are two options. One is to live with Lu Junting where he lives now, The other is the Lu family.

    She prefers to live in the Lu family. After all, this is Lu Junting's home, and there are many elders in the family who can take care of her. There should be no objection to her choosing to raise a baby here. Anyway, she is pregnant now, the elders can't arrange for her to share the same room with Lu Junting, she can even continue to live in the previous room, except for Lu Junting who has an extra marriage certificate and may have a few more words with her when she comes back occasionally Nothing else should have changed.

    Lu Junting suggested that it was the elders who wanted to pick her up and live there. Lin Xiyu wanted to discuss it with him. They didn't have feelings anyway. She wanted to stay here to raise a baby. Before he could speak, he heard a voice not far away.

    "Hee hee."

    The two of them looked around and saw a figure stumbled out of the corridor next to them. As they got closer, Lin Xiyu quickly recognized that it was Lu Junfeng.

    Lu Junfeng seemed to be drinking too much, his eyes were blurred and flushed, and his cheeks also revealed an unnatural blush, he stared straight at Lin Xiyu and said, "Xixi, I have something to say to you. Say."

    After he finished speaking, he walked unsteadily towards this side, but before he approached, Lu Junting took a long leg and stopped in front of Lin Xiyu. Jun Ting sneered, "Brother, this matter has nothing to do with you, I'll find Xixi."

    "Lu Junfeng." Lu Junting said coldly, "You show me clearly, she is your sister-in-law now."

    "Sister-in-law?" Lu Junfeng laughed suddenly, his eyes were blushing densely, he stared straight at Lin Xiyu, "Xixi, why are you doing this to me? I didn't say I wanted you to give it to me again. A little time? Why not? Why does it have to be my eldest brother, why does it have to be him?"

    Lu Junfeng became more and more excited as he spoke, his voice increased, almost roaring, "And you..." He pointed to Lu Junting's nose, "You are really my good brother, what do you want? There is no such woman, why Xixi, you know I like her."

    Lu Junfeng probably drank too much to speak to Lu Junting in such a tone, and pointed directly at Lu Junting's nose, Lin Xiyu couldn't help breaking out in cold sweat when Lu Junting was behind him.

    Lu Junting's expression darkened, "Why do you want to be with other girls if you like her?"

    Lu Junfeng was blocked by this, and he shouted like a trapped beast: "What do you know, this is a private matter between me and Xixi, what do you know?"

    As soon as Lu Junfeng finished speaking, she saw Jiang Lisu hurried past the second room, she was startled by this scene, and hurriedly said: "Jun Feng has drunk too much, Jun Ting you Don't know him in general."

    "Let him wake up." Lu Junting's tone was not very good.

    "Yes, yes, I'll take him away now." Jiang Lisu stepped forward and dragged Lu Junfeng. Lu Junfeng drank and had no energy on his body. Was taken away by Jiang Lisu.

    Unwilling to leave, she shouted at this side: "Why are you doing this to me? Why?"

    The place soon became quiet, Lu Junting turned around and looked at her from top to bottom, Lin Xiyu met his gaze, the coldness on his face had not dissipated, The edge is undisguised.

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