Chapter 27: You don't like seeing me so much?

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Lu Junting leaned back on the chair and squinted at him, "Xiao Ziang, what do you mean?"

    Xiao Ziang touched the tip of his nose, his heart swayed, thinking that he could just tell him the truth, he said: "My engineering team recently did not contract the reconstruction of the dormitory building at Anseong University. Are you working? I went to inspect today, and I happened to meet Xiao Xiyu." Speaking of which, he deliberately lowered his voice, for fear of being heard by anyone, and said to him with a solemn face: "She was with a man. Together."

    Xiao Zian obviously felt that Lu Junting's eyes became cold in an instant, so cold that he shivered subconsciously.

    "Which man?" Yet his tone remained calm.

    Xiao Ziang said: "I don't know, I haven't seen it before."

    Lu Junting didn't want to take it seriously, he picked up the pen and continued to sign, and said, "Probably a classmate, don't think too much."

    "I didn't think too much about it at first, but do you know how she introduced me, she introduced me as the brother of a friend of hers, don't you think it's strange to introduce it like this? It's like deliberately covering up her marriage."

    Lu Junting paused for a while, this reminded him of the time she introduced him in front of her colleagues, introducing him as her friend's brother, leaving the relationship clean .

    Lu Junting was silent for a moment, then suddenly said to Xiao Zian: "Xiao Zian, come closer, I have something to tell you."

    Xiao Zian: "..."

     I am! !

    Xiao Ziang came out of Lu Junting's office swearing and slapped himself on the mouth, telling you to talk too much, you idiot. He should have let him know nothing, and his little Xiyu wore a green hat that could go up to the sky.

    When Lu Junting came back, the nanny was taking the child Lu Chengsuba to play in the backyard. The child Lu Chengsuba liked to go outside and couldn't stay at home.

    Lu Junting didn't see Lin Xiyu, so he asked, "Mother Cheng Subaru came back late again?"

    The nanny said: "Call me and say I'll be back in a while."

    Lu Junting thought of Xiao Ziang's words, he didn't come back so late, and he didn't know which wild man he went out with.

     Originally, he deliberately set aside time today to accompany their mother and son, but who knew that the girl ran away early in the morning, and he went to the company when he was bored at home.

    Little Lu Chengsubaru was sitting on the stroller, looking up at his father. On that fleshy, white and tender face, a pair of big round eyes are smart and moist, and the cute little appearance makes people want to rub them when they look at them.

    The little guy's bright eyes kept staring at him, which made Lu Junting quite surprised. The superiors have been in the position for a long time and have to shock so many people. His eyes have already been trained to be extremely sharp. I dare to keep staring at him. This little brat is quite capable, not afraid of him.

    Lu Junting squatted in front of the stroller, his eyes softened, his face showed a bit of the love of an old father and reached out to him, but this little guy was very cooperative, as soon as he stretched out his hand, he gave him a pair of The fat arms stretched out to him, meaning to hug him.

    Lu Junting picked up the chubby little dumpling, and the round eyes of the little dumpling were still staring at him. Lu Junting was also afraid to scare him, his sharp eyes became softer under his son's gaze, and the unsmiling man couldn't help but put a smile on his face, he asked, "Do you like dad?"

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