Chapter 35:Don't Divorce Me (1000 words added at the end)...

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Lin Xiyu called Lin Xigan to ask him to help, Lin Xigan agreed without even asking, and the two made an appointment to meet. More to help.

    A few days later, Lin Xigan called and told Lin Xiyu that he had made an appointment for her. After Lin Xiyu hung up the phone, she thought for a while, and felt that she should continue, so she went to look for Du Ruoting. She remembered that Du Ruoting was very good at makeup, and she had to put on imitation makeup of various Internet celebrities. She went to work that day. Lin Xiyu discussed it with her.

    "Why do you suddenly want to make up?" Du Ruoting asked her.

    "I'm just interested." Lin Xiyu showed her Yuan Meiyi's photo, "Can you use this little star's imitation makeup?"

Du Ruoting looked at Yuan Meiyi's photo and then looked at her face, "Why do I think, you and this little star look a bit like."

    Lin Xiyu smiled and said: "I think so too, but I think she is more beautiful than me, can you make me as beautiful as her?"

    Du Ruoting readily agreed, "I'll try, don't blame me if you're not satisfied."

    "No blame no blame."

      The eye shadow fully highlights the beauty of her eyes, plus some grooming, as long as she is not someone who is particularly familiar with Yuan Meiyi, Lin Xiyu can look fake with this makeup on.

    Du Ruoting couldn't help but exclaimed: "It's too similar, it's really too similar, I'm just a genius."

    Lin Xiyu looked at the person in the mirror and couldn't help being in a trance for a while, and when she heard Du Ruoting's words, she came back to her senses and said with a smile: "Thank you Ruoting, I am very satisfied with this makeup, please ask you another day. Have a meal."

    After work, Lin Xiyu got into Lin Xigan's car and asked, "Does it look like that little star?"

    Lin Xigan took a look and said, "It's quite similar."

    Lin Xiyu is satisfied. Lin Xigan sent her to Chengming Hospital, which is a private hospital. Lu Junting brought her here for an abortion at the beginning. Lin Xiyu asked him to help make an appointment for the doctor who was in charge of abortion at that time.

    When Lin Xiyu came to the door of the hospital, Lin Xiyu was a little hesitant, but she immediately thought that it would be better to try it, give herself an explanation and give Lu Junting an explanation, it is not good to always have this stalk in her heart.

    Lin Xiyu adjusted her breathing, pushed open the car door and walked out, because it is a private hospital and there are not many people, Lin Xiyu wears sunglasses and a mask, and dresses like Yuan Meiyi. Seeing a few people looking at her, the scrutinizing eyes were probably judging whether she was that little star.

Lin Xiyu pushed open the door of the doctor's office. It was a female doctor in her 40s who was burning a wool roll. Lin Xiyu sat down opposite her, and the doctor asked, "Name, age."

    "Yuan Meiyi, 21 years old."

    The doctor raised her head and glanced at her when she heard this. Lin Xiyu had taken off her sunglasses and mask. Lin Xiyu remembered that the doctor was an acquaintance of Lu Junting. She should have known the person who had an affair with Lu Junting. Her eyes were fixed on her face for a few seconds, and finally she asked, "What's wrong?"

    "I had an abortion, and Lu Junting introduced me to me. Didn't he call you?"

    When the doctor heard Lu Junting's name, he looked at her in surprise, "Mr. Lu introduced you? He didn't tell me."

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